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Nov 25, 2018

Monster Hike - repost interview with Avrel Seale KCMO Talk Radio Wendy's Coffeehouse

"You can't throw a rock in southern Utah without hitting somebody who's been abducted." - Filmmaker Trent Harris, sponsored a UFO film festival in Bicknell, Utah, Skinwalker Ranch

11/25/18 (8pm) Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview on KCMO Talk Radio 710 AM is a "Best of" and an evergreen in the podcast archives: Avrel Seale - Monster Hike

OddsnEnds - edited from previous post
  • 1931 sighting from an Aviation Pioneer. Video YouTube, BEAMS story
    2018 sighting and engagement in Stillwell, Oklahoma. Reported to MUFON.
  • Spectral Invisibility Cloak is impressive - Futurism
  • Invisibility cloak improvisation. Twitter
  • Fact or fiction, the truth is out there. Forrest Fenn's $2M treasure still calls the hopeful. Unfortunately, that call isn't loud enough to disclose the location. According to Big Think, Fenn says at least one person has been within 100 feet of the treasure, out of the several thousands who have searched.
  • The Guardian shadowed treasure hunter, Sacha Johnston. Esquire interviewed Forrest Fenn
A different kind of treasure hunter - Monster Hike - Alone, Avrel Seale sets out on a quest to cover a one hundred mile trek through one of America's hottest bigfoot-sighting areas - Sam Houston National Forest in East Texas - in the hope of encountering Bigfoot.

What if some 'monsters' can choose to remain undiscovered? For instance, Sasquatch.

"Why, after thousands of encounters with humans, do they still go unacknowledged by science, government, and mainstream society? And what does all of this tell us about the dangers and the rewards of believing in something mysterious?" .… Monster Hike

My question: How can a non-existent fiction leave footprints?
Monster Hike on Amazon

Avrel Seale takes us along on his quest to encounter Bigfoot.
I am curious and have seen signs of Sasquatch myself that shift the issue from myth to reality. Referring here to Board Camp Crystal Mine. Link is to a previous blog post and interview.

If you have any interest at all in Sasquatch/Bigfoot, Board Camp Crystal Mine in Mena, Arkansas is worth a visit. 
The Mena Star
Arkansas Online Link
Arkansas Life - Robert Swain

After doing a thorough job of Sasquatch backstory research, meal prep and camp supply stashing, (Impressive!) Avrel hit the trail.

Two nights into the trip and I was settled in and comfy, reading his story from the safety of my laptop. Just that initial report made me more than happy that Avrel was doing the leg work on this journey and I could understand if he had seriously considered punting the whole thing at that point.

FYI if you do plan to stake out a remote locale. Peace of mind: Find me Spot

Check that front cover. He doesn't come up empty handed. 18 inch footprint beside a size 10 and a half shoe. Texas. Right.

Read the book? Here's a bonus from the blog. Avrel goes back out for another look. In that camp scene again, he notices a few more anomalies. What's with the abandoned tents? No mention of black panthers. Apparently, Texas has those too. Texas Cryptid Hunter

Consider some 'monsters' have no desire to be found and might even have the ability to erase or block knowledge of their presence and their source. Study their cameo appearances at places like
Skinwalker Ranch. I interviewed Jocelyn Buckner, a long time tour guide at the Bradford Ranch in Sedona, where their resident Bigfoot/Sasquatch is named Big Girl. Link. We love mysteries.

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.

Nov 19, 2018

Mitch Horowitz: The Miracle Club - Thoughts, Reality, Imagination, Will ... and Focus

When you awaken to your true self, Neville argued, you will know yourself to be a slumbering branch of the Creator clothed in human form and at the helm of infinite possibilities. - The Miracle Club, Mitch Horowitz

OddsnEnds -
  • About that Ireland UFO: BBC
  • Audio of the pilots offers better insight into that sighting The Drive- noting similarities with reports from Oregon, Arizona and New York.
  • Life-enhancing qualities of cemetery cider? Atlas Obscura
  • Virtual Reality can alter taste. Neuroscience News
  • Service Dogs and fire drill. Count 170 dogs. The Dodo
  • Bigfoot festival drew thousands in North Carolina. NPR
Video changes everything. Or does it?

Unexplained Top 10, Live Science

Miracles and then some:
  • Jonestown Suicide/Massacre Survivor BBC
  • 2 mile fall from a plane crash and 10 days in the Amazon in 1971. Survivor. Telegraph
  • Cry for help. Rescuers heard a voice leading them to a baby in a submerged car: KTLA
    The mother was dead. The voice is captured on audio recording. Baby Lily survived 14 hours in "extreme cold without food or drink." The Rescue: KTLA And video segment/Officer Beddoes - telling the story to Steve Harvey

The Miracle Club - Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview with Mitch Horowitz

Endorsement from Dean Radin: For the clearest and most eminently rational description of exactly how to test the power of your thoughts, there is simply no better choice... " Ph.D, chief scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences and author of Real Magic

No such thing as an idle thought. The Miracle Club reminds us just how many opportunities there are to upgrade the mental image and in turn, our reality simply by changing the perspective and attitude. Two of the most powerful tools in our arsenal of reality recreation are imagination and will.

Connect with Mitch
 3pm EST
 The Miracle Club. P 172. 
Following the path of Neville Goddard (quotes), Mitch says the key is to be 'exquisitely clear, passionate and forthright about your goals'. For more info - check out this YouTube in-depth presentation with Mitch focusing on Neville.

Experiment and see how effective your ability to create your reality already is. Try Mitch's 30-Day Challenge. Link

The day after interviewing Mitch, we had our office holiday luncheon. A co-worker offered to pull a card for me from the provided inspiration deck. She held the two cards behind her back. I posted the one I chose (below) on my picture at home.

In reading 'A Course in Miracles' in 1987, I took to heart and used for quite some time an affirmation that resonated: 'I am open to seeing Miracles every day.'

11.15.18 - My card. Still on track.

Since 1997,  a nightlight has been my Miracle.

Lots of miracles to ponder - Natalie Sudman - was blown up. NDE. She worked with her spirit guides deciding what parts to fix and what to leave her to work on when she returned to life. - Empower Radio/Conscious Living Interview.

Dr. Tony Cicoria - struck by lightning, NDE. Becomes a musical savant: Medium Included in the book Musicophilia by Oliver Sacks. Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview Link

Gary Wimmer - Slammed by a car. No injuries other than a bump on the head. Lithomancy expert. Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview Link

Helene Hadsell - Name it and Claim it. The woman who knew how to win 'every contest' she entered. I interviewed her (2007?) and am trying to locate the file. Bought 2 of her books. Will post if I find it. Now deceased, the documented successes are a blueprint. Helene offers her insight: YouTube.

When you are ready to see/experience miracles? Suspend disbelief.

Thank you for listening! 
Stay curious.

Nov 16, 2018

Sci-Fi Film Short: "Exit Strategy" - and links ... Ghosts, Artificial Gravity and Dogs

“Every living being is an engine geared to the wheelwork of the universe. Though seemingly affected only by its immediate surrounding, the sphere of external influence extends to infinite distance.” - Nikola Tesla

OddsnEnds -  
  • Ireland UFO - several pilots reported an anomaly. Investigation underway. CNN
  • Battleship Texas - reportedly one of the most haunted locations in Texas. Offering overnight Ghost hunt. April, 2019. ABC 13. Tickets and information. Link
  • Booked up? Other options: Haunted Rooms America
  • In a town known for all things Medium. Ghost hunt with Lisa Ling. Checking in: CNN
  • Just for fun. The Expanse does Artificial Gravity. Wired
  • Counting the ways one can zone out while meditating: Facebook
  • Stealing hearts via Daily Beast: 'Dogs' on Netflix. Trailer
  • Life lessons from 100-year-olds: Life Hunters
Brothers caught in a time loop must traverse a series of events to prevent …

Exit Strategy
by Travis Bible
For more about the film/filmmaker: Vimeo

Revisiting Reincarnation/Past Life - Life Explained with Hans Wilhelm YouTube
Wendy's Coffeehouse 2017 Archived Interview with Hans.

Coming up - 
11/18 - Mitch Horowitz - The Miracle Club, How Thoughts Become Reality
11/25 - Re-broadcast - Avrel Seale, Monster Hike. 100 mile adventure on the trail of Sasquatch.

Thanks for listening!
Stay curious.