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Sep 4, 2018

Lesley Lupo, NDE - Guided to remember, Every Breath is Precious

“I detach myself from preconceived outcomes and trust that all is well. Being myself allows the wholeness of my unique magnificence to draw me in those directions most beneficial to me and to all others." - Anita Moorjani, Dying to Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing, YouTube/Anita at TEDx

Wendy's Coffeehouse interview with Lesley Lupo - NDE reality shift.

OddsnEnds - 
  • Couch potato advantage. Evolution favors laziness.
  • Time Travel = 'mathematically possible'. Science Alert
  • Smart Meters and privacy. Are they spying? Motherboard
  • Evidence of a former Universe. Cosmos Magazine
  • Summon Fairies? Study underway to determine what works best. Devon Live
  • Where to find Fairies? Not exclusive to one locale. Exemplore
  • Happy ending. Ducks crossing during rush hour in New Zealand. The Dodo
  • Raised by wolves. Disappointed with Humans. The Guardian
  • Paul McCartney, DMT and God. The Guardian
From Lesley Lupo's course on developing Self-worth, her philosophy: "The love you attract mirrors the love you feel for yourself." 

There is so much more to learn about NDEs and OBEs and, for that matter, Consciousness. One NDE researchers Lesley strongly recommends is Penny Sartori. Learn more about her NDE work here.

Thirty years ago, shortly before being trampled by a herd of horses, Lesley Lupo had an OBE. Popping out of her body just prior to the moment of impact, she witnessed the chaotic scene of her body being mangled and torn, helplessly flailing while she watched alongside, cocooned in (painless) essence-form detachment.

She describes that violent and bloody scene fading and being replaced by a more detailed and vibrant overlay, as if a dimension on a parallel (and heretofore unseen) plane, suddenly became apparent.
Lesley on Facebook

Reconnecting with her spirit guides, Lesley is schooled on various topics, including pre-incarnation life plans. Given a choice to go forward with information on what her afterlife path includes or to return to her life on Earth, there was some fine print involved with that Earth choice.

The intense NDE reality overshadowed her earthly life history. Awakening from coma, she drew a blank in many areas and was challenged to recover even basic information.

If the physical recuperation wasn't enough of a struggle, no one at that time expressed any interest in hearing about her vivid memories of her encounter.

Told to shut up and move on, the primary care physician threatened to drug her into oblivion if she continued to talk about it.

Thirty years on and the support systems are finally in place - as are numerous, echoing NDE accounts. As such, Leslie now has to her credit, a long list of endorsements from what can be considered a Who's Who list of NDE scientists and researchers.

Lesley had some PSI abilities that she intentionally blocked. They manifested more fully after her reconnect with the afterlife realm. Lessons to share? We save those for the book.

Endorsement - "Lesley’s clear and detailed account of her experience “Upstairs” is one more powerful confirmation that there are realities that lie beyond this world. While physics can provide a supportive framework in which other such realities can exist, there is nothing so compelling as a firsthand experience of these realms of joy and peace. Her book is also a powerfully moving tale of overcoming adversity that will give heart to anyone dealing with their own major challenges—and give them insights and tools to bring Divine awareness dynamically into how their lives unfold." - Joseph Selbie, Author of The Physics of God

Remember, Every Breath is Precious, is due out in November 2018.

Thank you for listening.
Stay curious.

Aug 31, 2018

SciXFriday - People of Earth imagining - Seaon 3 went to an alternate timeline...

“I'm sure the universe is full of intelligent life. It's just been too intelligent to come here.”
  - Arthur C. Clarke

OddsnEnds - 
  • Weekend chill - lo budget sci-fi film binge: io9 (Any to suggest?) 
  • The totally cool and unexplained sky mystery known as "Steve"Mashable
  • William Shatner - on the potential danger lurking with VR. The Guardian 
  • Universe shouldn't exist? Science is Quirky. Independent
  • Haunted Missouri: Weston gearing up for Ghost Tales of Weston. Visit the haunted candle shop. Weston Bend Candle Company is the focus of this Paranormal Patrol promo Sept 2018.
  • Ghost babies? One woman and her ghost are up to the challenge. To be continued.... Metro.
  • No update yet but still on the radar: BIOS. Tom Hanks in a SciFi movie about a robot designed to care for the dog of his creator. Variety
  • About that spearfishing thing? Fish know what you're up to. Mysterious Universe 
  • 4 Pigs and a Pug. UPI
People of Earth scores Season 3: If only this were that alternate time line …. SyFy
Jeff and the gang. I now own season 1 and will add season 2. Can we get the script for season 3 released -- to fill in the blanks? You are missed. 

Wendy's Coffeehouse - KCMO Talk Radio -
8p CST, Sunday, 9/2/18 [already uploaded podcast] NDE, Lesley Lupo Interview - Every Breath is Precious. Due: November 2018. And every life is a work in progress. From Lesley's course on developing Self-worth, her philosophy: The love you attract mirrors the love you feel for yourself.

Podcast Archives - 2017
10/29 - Kathleen Odom (featured in Video). Consultant on the film, Letters from the Big Man, Speaking of Sasquatch Film Site
11/1 - Elaine Clayton, Intuition Art, Making Marks. Pugs, Art, Intuition and Creativity - Revealing the inner self through doodles.
11/12 - Curtis Rivers, Seven Paths to Freedom. Empowering insight from an accomplished, motivated and dynamic Stuntman - The Stunts

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.