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Jun 29, 2018

SciXFriday - Mom wrinkles time, World UFO Day and Alien Cupcakes

My own present opinion, based on two years of careful study, is that UFOs are probably extraterrestrial devices engaged in something that might very tentatively be termed ‘surveillance’.” -
Dr. James McDonald before Congress, 1968. UFO Truth Magazine, UK, About the Editor

OddnEnds -

Mommy, (I love you to the moon and back) dearest… Visiting son's office results in space-time continuum snafu. Subtitles.

"María Fernanda in Time" by Xavier Pijuan
More about the film/filmmaker:
Subscribe and watch more sci-fi shorts on DUST:

Wendy's Coffeehouse Schedule - 
Sensing a theme -
a new desk companion.

Sunday, 7/1/18, Avrel Seale, Monster Hike: A 100 mile Inquiry into the Sasquatch Mystery.

"Why, after thousands of encounters with humans, do they still go unacknowledged by science, government, and mainstream society? And what does all of this tell us about the dangers and the rewards of believing in something mysterious?" … And how can a non-existent fiction leave footprints?

- 8pm, KCMO Talk Radio, 710 AM. Wendy's Coffeehouse

7/15 - Board Camp Crystal Mine, Orville and Cheryl Murphy. My visit to the site and updates on the ongoing paranormal activity.

7/22 - Gary Hart, The Sasquatch Whisperer. I met Gary on our visit. He is one of the researchers who has explored and investigated the Board Camp Crystal Mine.

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.

Jun 26, 2018

Terry Albright - Dorothy Izatt, UFOs, Orbs, Ghosts, EVPS and Ice Cream Floats

"I had a fried grouper sandwich and onion rings for breakfast. Other people were staring at shredded wheat, and hoping to live forever. But I bet forever is a long time with shredded wheat." - Rick Bragg, My Southern Journey

OddsnEnds - 
Mysterious Universe - Ghost Ice Cream Floats/$1 are the newly featured menu item at a San Antonio café after owners discovered resident ghosts were the culprit for overnight hi-jinx. Briefly shut down while a paranormal investigation determined the source, here is the video that prompted owners to reach out for a paranormal assist.

According to the café owner (as noted at the spirit sounded "kind of like a walkie talkie until someone talks into it."

Welcome to the world of contact with the deceased. The official promo for Calling Earth highlights electronic methods of ITC and EVP. On Vimeo. Link to the full film.
CALLING EARTH - Official Preview from Daniel Drasin on Vimeo.

Detailed information about ITC and EVP: Contacting the Dead in the Electronic Age.

Noted in that piece is Swedish filmmaker and EVP pioneer Friedrich Jurgenson, who first captured unexplained voices while taping bird songs. His research spanned more than two decades. Available to read (at no cost) from Paranormal Study, his book is translated to English: Voice Transmissions with the Deceased.pdf.

Full 'Calling Earth' video: Vimeo

Another site to follow: ITC Journal.

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview Terry Albright, June 24 - 2018 the Dorothy Izatt project continued. Can we get a reboot? Filming UFOs, ETs, Orbs and Interdimensional beings.

Shifting gears from audio to video. I have interviewed and know of others who are good at capturing orbs and/or light anomalies, this is a fascinating case is one of the best documented and, in that regard, easily worthy of more exposure.

Image credit: Terry Albright. Light anomaly.
Using an ordinary 8 mm movie camera, Dorothy Izatt filmed hundreds of sequences of unexplained, yet authenticated, pictures of UFO's, ETs, and anomalies.

Wanting to reboot that project and several others, Terry shares similar images he has taken.

Terry says the book could be improved with color images and a refresh given the volumes of unpublished material not included in the book.

So I might need to explore this project more and see what would be required to move the reboot forward. Ideas? Contact/Follow: Terry on Twitter

Is there any significance to the colors of Orbs? Maybe. Some suggestions. ParanormalLovetoKnow

Contact with Beings of Light, Peter Guttilla
Contact with Beings of Light - Amazon

Amazon Book Review -
1/Could have been much more detailed - but a fair treatment of this rarely discussed and highly important UFO case. The movie should be watched prior to reading the book. I'm convinced that you, reader, would perhaps throw the baby out with the bath water if you read the book first.

Capturing the Light, DVD, Frank Longo

Amazon Film Reviews -
1/Magnificent and brave to share with everyone. I have my own reasons for believing her. What is important is that we work together. This is our planet and we need to care for it and one another. We are all beings of Light and at some point I feel that each person will awaken to that.

2/This absolutely jives with our personal experiences. Prf. Hynek was right when he advised her.....proceed with caution, interdimesional contacts occur with ALARMING frequency. But, remember Master Yoda, it's "only what you take with you."

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.