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May 4, 2018

SciXFriday - The Future is calling - wait... let it cook awhile longer

“The law of sympathy is one of the most basic parts of magic. It states that the more similar two objects are, the greater the sympathetic link. The greater the link, the more easily they influence each other.” - Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind, Goodreads

Oddsnends -
  • Something weird with Earth's Magnetic Field. Understanding a pole flip. Nat Geo
  • NASA has no explanation for these unusual circles in the Arctic. Science Alert, IBTimes
  • Volcano activity heating up in Hawaii. QZ.
  • Netflix is banking on Sci-Fi. Business Insider
  • See faces in objects? Science can explain why. Mental Floss
  • Russian scientist suggests Aliens might be living in Black Holes. IBTimes
  • Quantum Anomalies and Reality. Scientific American Blogs
  • Creativity - beautiful 360 Google Doodle: Back to the Moon
  • If you know where the Bulldog is, this Goose is missing his friend. MNN

Knowing isn't everything ... Incoming Call - (Repost from March. Discovered on DUST.)

Incoming Call is an Award Winning Northern Irish Sci-fi Short Film written and directed by Eoin Cleland, starring Naseen Morgan and Chris Grant. Facebook

Wendy's Coffeehouse upcoming interviews -

5/6 - Ron Wheelock, Gringo Shaman, Sacred Plants
5/13 - Victoria Alexander - Along with John, she also explored incredible world mysteries. Her experiences include seeing the Ark of the Covenant and Shamanic encounters in the Amazon.
5/20 - Dr. Eben Alexander and Karen Newell, Living in a Mindful Universe.
6/3 - Nick Redfern, The Black Diary.

Reconnecting with Orville and Cheryl Murphy in July.
Some of the small Crystals we collected
from Board Camp Crystal Mine.
Curious events continue at Board Camp Crystal Mine.
Interview set to air 7/15.

If you haven't yet see the orbs or levitating rocks, subscribe to their YouTube channel to view and follow updates.

Troy Hudson, Investigator with the Sasquatch Genome Project,
reported on his visit to the site in 2017. Read that account on his  Blog.

Troy's report includes firsthand experience with levitating rock activity. He has no explanation for what might have caused it.

Open now for Crystal digging.

As you can see by the pic on the side, we found some beautiful crystals. Andy and I took a tour of the site in April. Confession: Orville found the best Crystals and they are not in the photo.

Call ahead to schedule a time to dig for Crystals or to sign up for the one of the UnXplained/paranormal tours.

KCMO Talk Radio 710
Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.

May 2, 2018

Altered states and the Ayahuasca journey of a Gringo Shaman

“The key to all of your behaviors is hidden in a box that you can’t open using normal tools, your subconscious needs a different recipe than the one you’ve been using.” - Gerard Armond Powell

Ayahuasca Icaro de Guardians - Translation, Icaro = medicine songs - translation.

Oddsnends -
  • Simple and beautifully complex Multiverse. Stephen Hawking's final paper. The Guardian.
  • Still haunted, but toning it down a tad to promote starry nights and horizon views. Apparently tourists were scared off by the ghost aspect death count. Note to ghosts. Lay low. Spooky don't play here.
  • Whole lotta quake activity. Hawaii MSN
  • Yellowstone Steamboat geyser uptick. USA Today. Future uncertain. IFLscience
  • Do Dogs like being therapy pets? Study says YES. Treehugger
  • Miracle recovery from Alzheimer's. It was the Diet. Treehugger Worth a read. Blog
  • The source of Human consciousness found? Futurism
  • Follow Todd Standing, Discovering Sasquatch, and his effort to prove the existence of Sasquatch: Video. A California woman who has the same goal (Gizmodo) withdrew her case (status update unavailable). Link includes the video her daughter filmed.
Previous guest John Alexander included fascinating details about his encounters with Shamans from around the world. John and his wife Victoria connected with The Gringo Shaman - Ron Wheelock. Through Victoria, I spoke with Ron to arrange our upcoming interview.

Here's a preview of Ron.

Referencing Reality Denied, John covers numerous encounters that defy explanation. One visit with a medium, well-known for her practice of table tipping (levitation), made a lasting impression. While the medium was unforgettable, details of the session faded. He says he wishes he had taken notes.

Life is like that. It happens in the details. Sometimes there are notes.

In prepping for the interview with Ron and to help integrate some of the crystal energy I started working with after our trip to Board Camp Crystal Mine, I scheduled an isolation float. (Floating KC)

About halfway into the session, there was an auditory cue, a short, staccato whistle. By that time I had slipped into an extremely relaxed state, almost to the point of dozing off. Improbable as it might seem, that sound was right next to me.

Alert and anticipating a follow up, the tapping started, a steady, rhythmic flow. As I counted the taps, I tried to rationalize that I could be hearing water dripping somewhere then opted to simply allow the process and stop putting energy into denial. 

The sound lead me into deeper trance state. That is when the visions started. Beautiful images of eyes. They morphed and changed colors. Yellows, greens, dark and deep hues of raspberry and vivid reds. The eyes blinked. Each was a reptile of some sort. Turtle, lizard, frog, snake. The snake was representational and carried the message. Interactive and engaging, information was given. The visions stopped and the tapping sound ended. I left exhilarated, grounded and refreshed.

Working with Spirit Animals and Symbols - sample references -
Ted Andrews - Animal Speak.
Symbolism Animal Totem.
Example of working with Snake Medicine.
Shamanic Journeys with Nicki Scully.

Since my STE in 1997, I have had extraordinary visions and dreams. Some are spontaneous. Others accompany the regular practice of meditating to access insight. I haven't required a psychotropic assist. However, I have spoken with others who affirm they could never have realized a liberating mind state without it. Each travels his own path.

Ron Wheelock, based in Peru, is from Independence Kansas. Thus the name, The Gringo Shaman. Taking a circuitous route, he has embodied his healing role for 25 years. In this interview, Ron describes some of the unique aspects of various Ayahuasca sessions.

After my float session, I discovered another video with Ron that I hadn't seen. DMT and the Spirit of Plants. He mentions, frogs, lizards and snakes. I believe in dots connecting. The purpose is self-revealing - and the symbolism with animal messengers is personal. Fascinating.

Related: We Plants are Happy Plants: Music and Terrence McKenna/YouTube
Ayahuasca Visions: The Religious Iconography of a Peruvian Shaman

KCMO Talk Radio 710
Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.

Apr 29, 2018

John Alexander - Firsthand experiences with things that can't happen - but did

"If you are always getting the answers you expect, you are nowhere close to the edge of the envelope." John Alexander

... link to John Alexander/Reality Denied interview Wendy's Coffeehouse ... 

Oddsnends - 
3 UFO sightings + 1 commonality = School Children
  • 1966, Westall UFO Encounter - JP Robinson
  • 1977, Broad Haven UFO, Wales - BBC
  • 1994, The Ariel Phenomenon, Ruwa, Zimbabwe - JP Robinson
Misc. Adults -
PS -
Notes for Cat sitter - have a seat. Cat Bios Novellas. The Dodo
'Avengers: Infinity War - box office SMASH. HuffPo

Interview with John Alexander, so much material to explore we could barely scratch the surface. No problem. Cue Jeffrey Mishlove, who offers several interviews with John, covering a broad range of topics, including Remote Viewing and his books.

John Alexander is no stranger to the exotic, unusual and unexplained. A life-long explorer and experiencer of extraordinary consciousness research, metaphysics, energy medicine, paranormal and unexplained. His diverse background includes 32 years in the military (background), where he had access to and expertise in information that would otherwise be off limits to the general population.

Notable experiences include Silva Mind Control, Akido, researching interspecies communication and teaching psychokinesis. A world traveler, he has met healers and shamans in Peru, Tibet, Nepal (and elsewhere) and studied with Curanderos in South America. That is a very abbreviated list. More info on his website. Bio.

"Dr. Alexander 'calls it as he sees it' and has little use for conspiracy theorists, true believers who take in everything without questioning, or scoffers who refuse to accept facts no matter how persuasive. For nine years he served as a councilor for the Society for Scientific Exploration is a past president of the International Association for Near Death Studies, and a founding board member of the International Remote Viewer's Association."

The SSE and IRVA are holding a joint conference in June. If you have even the slightest interest in the subject matter, presenters and attendees offer excellent resources and material for further study. Information.

Suggested reading - 3 by John Alexander
1/UFOs: Myths Conspiracies, and Realities - Alexander succeeds in separating solid facts and credible witnesses from the myths and conspiracy theorists. Determining that UFOs, while real, are beyond current comprehension, he sees the extraterrestrial hypothesis as too narrow. UFOs remain an enigma, he concludes, since every time we think we have an answer, new observations make the problem more complex.
2/Reality Denied - UFO, Bigfoot, Healing, NDE, OBE, Voodoo, Poltergeists, Mediums, Ayahuasca, Fire walking, Dowsing, Spoon-bending, Shamanic Rituals. Alexander leaves no stone unturned.
3/The Warrior's Edge - Partial Amazon Review: Fascinating. By - a customer on September 5, 1999. This book was the first to reveal some experimental work in the field of "Enhancing Human Performance" carried out by the US military and intelligence community. A significant core of the book, for me, was the previously classified material on "The Jedi Project", which utilized NLP and similar advanced learning technologies to train soldiers in pistol shooting, with dramatic results.

Related - Paranormal
Hunt for the Skinwalker - extraordinary, mind-bending encounters with unexplained and unknown. This is a reality very few encounter.
BEAMS - A very recent entry, fits in this category. I'll interview Orville and Cheryl Murphy again about what they are continuing to experience and my recent visit. Unexplained paranormal and ongoing encounters at Board Camp Crystal Mine

KCMO Talk Radio 710
Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.