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Mar 15, 2018

SciXFriday - Brilliance, Hawking and Spielberg

"I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road." - Stephen Hawking Quotes, New York Times

Oddsnends -

Legacy of an Inspired mind - The world said goodbye to brilliant physicist Stephen Hawking, [3/14/18] BBC, who once threw a party for Time Travelers: Video Invitation. No one came. Or did they? In a parallel universe, through a black hole? And we would be none the wiser. BBC
  • Stephen Hawking's Reddit comment suggests Humans will face a crisis when AI develops a drive to survive. Market Watch
  • Refresher on Hawking's Theory of Everything. Animated, 150 seconds. Brain Pickings
  • Formula carved on his gravestone, the Hawking equation. Radiation glow emitted by black holes. Independent
  • Hawking offered hope for that black hole, aka depression. There is a way out. IFLscience
  • Breadcrumbs for inquisitive minds, read Stephen and daughter Lucy's books.
  • Smart scents? Book scented candle. (And imagine your IQ elevating.) Atlas Obscura
  • Climate Change = Easter Island reclaimed by the sea. Landscape beginning to give way to water. Some beaches, already gone. Statues... New York Times
  • New mystery in the night sky. Flashing lights. UFO Sightingshotspot
  • Joy is knowing your true purpose. Expressing it with enthusiasm and wild abandon...on the agility course. The Dodo
SciFi on deck: Ready Player One - Set in 2045, with the world on the brink of chaos and collapse, where people have found salvation in the OASIS, an expansive virtual reality universe.

In Theaters March 29th. Reviews and buzz suggest Steven Spielberg has delivered a blockbuster.

Upcoming shows - Wendy's Coffeehouse 

3/18 - Robert Kopecky - How to Get to Heaven (Without Really Dying). Good at practicing for the big event, Robert has had 3 NDEs.

3/25 - Shirl Knobloch - Intuitive Medium, Reiki Master and Animal Communicator. Author of several books, the one I flagged: Yes, I Knit Blankets for Squirrels.

KCMO Talk Radio programming alert - 3/17/18 - Encore from the Sunday night 8P. Airing again Sat at 6A. Board Camp Crystal Mine. Celebrating Earth Mystery. Levitating rocks and unexplained lights. A fascinating place to explore and wonder.  Or listen now.

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious. 

Mar 12, 2018

Board Camp Crystal Mine - Paranormal, PSI, UFO? Enigma unexplained and open to the public

“Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.” - Max Planck, Where is Science Going?

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview - Board Camp Crystal Mine (and replay 6 am central time on KCMO Talk Radio 3/17/18)

OBE, NDE, UFO, ET, Sasquatch, Ghosts, unexplained and unknown.

In a recent Conscious Living Podcast - synchronicity - several people told me of ongoing experiences (none having any idea about the others) with missing items. Things that had vanished for no apparent reason. One friend said she simply had a chat with the entities and the items reappeared in odd but visibly obvious locations.

Cynthia Sue Larson covers missing and reappearing items with Reality Shifters. Various Mediums call such events apports. It might be that we are ready to expand our vocabulary with this issue as it seems there is more going on than what has been most often attributed to or categorized as a séance demonstration. Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview/Quantum Jumps.

I once helped a client with a ghost who kept gifting her with bits of tiny dried flowers. That fits into the apport category. Items appeared at different times of the day when she was alone. The purpose? Seriously depressed, she needed help. The ghosts and her guardians were the divine intervention.

Related sites with information on apports -
Psychic Lorrie Kazan details her odd encounter while traveling: blog.
John Kettler provides details (long read), background and the intended message implied by the item targeted for the apport.

Another recent experience with my earrings being undone while I slept, a reminder our reality is not what it seems. Some things are intentionally beyond knowing or controlling. Unseen others step in to engage, encourage and challenge us to expand our PSI awareness. My nightlight is hyper active again.

I am noticing an apparent uptick in reports of paranormal phenomena. Rather than secreting and/or denying, more conversations about encounters and reports of unique events are surfacing. One can dismiss the validity of experiencers and extraordinary accounts or suspend disbelief, withhold judgment and allow something magical is trying to become known.

This qualifies as Magical: Levitating rocks at the Board Camp Crystal Mine. MUFON investigated. That show, with Chase Kloetzke, aired on The Travel Channel - Expedition Unknown. Discovered in 2008, certified by the federal and state governments and opened to the public in 2012. What changed in February of 2017? Mystery ongoing.

Interviewing Orville Murphy, he describes a complete about face regarding his beliefs in the paranormal and unexplained. He counted himself as a skeptic in January 2017 but the extraordinary events he witnessed alongside his wife Cheryl and their son in February made him a believer.

The activity has been investigated and verified by MUFON. Visitors now have the opportunity to witness the unusual phenomena on site. Article with more background on the story: Mena Star

No guarantees but the potential for experiencing something out of the ordinary is there. Watch the show Expedition Unknown on Daily Motion for the details.  Available for daytime or nighttime visit: UnXplained Tours. Preview some of the unusual activities on their YouTube videos.

UPDATE: Cheryl gave me permission to add this footnote. You'll hear us talking during the interview about electrical anomalies with events like this. When we hung up from the interview, the Board Camp Crystal Mine office phone went offline/out-of-order. She said that was a first.

Exciting and unexplained. Perfect adventure for the curious with a chance to bag a souvenir crystal or two. The energy of those crystals is - no doubt - very interesting. I plan a follow up report.

Board Camp Crystal Mine is on Facebook. Check out their upcoming "The Understanding Series" on Fringe FM.

Links for guests are on the Wendy's Coffeehouse 2018 Schedule page

3/18 - Robert Kopecky - How to get to Heaven without Really Dying. Good at practicing for the big event. Robert has had 3 NDEs.

3/25 - Shirl Knobloch - Intuitive Medium, Reiki Master and Animal Communicator - blog. Author of several books, the one I flagged: Yes, I Knit Blankets for Squirrels.

4/1 - Terry Albright - Lots to talk about with Terry. 1/On his search for Bigfoot, 2/Dorothy Izatt, Contact With Beings of Light. Using an ordinary 8 mm movie camera, she has filmed hundreds of sequences of unexplained, yet authenticated, pictures of UFO's, ETs, and anomalies. 3/Terry is currently working with producer of “Aliens on the Moon” on a new and as yet untitled UFO documentary.

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.

Mar 9, 2018

SciXFriday - Time Future, Past and Present - Response determines creation

“We are trying to prove ourselves wrong as quickly as possible, because only in that way can we find progress.” - Richard Feynman

Oddsnends - 
  • Electric bicycles join electric scooters as hot trends ... CNN
  • Lab grown meat - no animals involved - ready to market. Independent
  • Earth looks like a star MSN
  • Sign on with Captain Kirk - NASA's hot ticket to the Sun. Space
  • Take notes from the Teens who just scored a win with a lawsuit on Climate Change. HuffPo
  • Penguin Selfie - Adorable viral of the week. Time
  • 'Iceman' William Hoff's breathing techniques are scientifically valid. Newsweek
  • Drink more coffee, live longer. Independent on 20 year study. (Biased, yes. I believe.)
  • Inexplicata flagged this Peru driver - UFO caught on dash cam? Hasn't been debunked yet. Video on Facebook
When the future checks in... 'Incoming Call' -

Written, Directed and Edited by Eoin Cleland
For more about the filmmaker: Vimeo 
Subscribe and watch more sci-fi shorts on DUST

And then there's Consciousness - Engage in Reality Creation with Jane Roberts and the Seth material. Setting the tone, the YouTube Documentary, an illuminating reality shift.

Channeling Seth, Jane introduced a generation to a new world view. "You create your own reality." - Seth Learning Center. Start with The Seth Material and follow that which calls to you.

Wendy's Coffeehouse - Schedule

3/11 - Orville and Cheryl Murphy - Board Camp Crystal Mine's UnXplained Tours are up and running. What is going on there? Great question. This is a fantastic paranormal phenomenon. Dig for Crystals too.

3/18 - Robert Kopecky - He's back. Again. How to get to Heaven without Really Dying. Good at practicing for the big event, Robert has had 3 NDEs. Robert's Blog

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.