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Feb 5, 2018

Margie Kay and Jean Walker - Paranormal, UFO and Unexplained in the Heartland

“The impossible could not have happened, therefore the impossible must be possible in spite of appearances.” - Agatha Christie, Murder on the Orient Express

UFO, ET, Sasquatch, Ghosts, unexplained and unknown. An uptick in reports of paranormal phenomena is underway. Choice 1: Discount/dismiss the validity of experiencers and their extraordinary accounts. Choice 2: Suspend disbelief and withhold judgment.

Something magical is trying to become known.

Oddsnends -
  • Reward offered ($70,000) for proof of any one of 10 Monsters, includes Nessie and Bigfoot: Screen Rant
  • Not the first time money has been thrown at the call for proof of the existence of Bigfoot and other illusive beings, 2008: Live Science
  • Fine Print and Details: competition is open until June 30, 2018 and any photographic evidence must be sent to monsterhunter@
  • Valentine surprise. Chocolate Molten Lava Cake diversion Sally's Baking Addiction: Video. Decadent.
    Super Blue Blood Moon 2018 

  • Orcas can mimic Human speech. Hearing the whale say Aimee, sounds impressive. HuffPo
  • In 500 years, if Humans can survive (Zager and Evans) this is us: How Stuff Works
  • Yes, the Full Moon does affect your sleep. I was totally energized and AWAKE for the Super Blue Blood Moon. The effect lasted for days. A better word might be "amplified". What gives?: Independent
  • Roadtrip? Vintage pics and directions to the Joplin Spooklight: Atlas Obscura

How would your life change if ETs appeared? Experiencer, Emily Trim was 8 years old when she had her mind blown, speaking publicly for the first time in this video at the Alien Cosmic Expo 2015. Low volume. Headphones needed. Transcript is posted in the vid description.

Expected later in 2018, a movie connecting the dots from the time the children in Zimbabwe witnessed the event to later interviews as adults about how it affected them: The Ariel Phenomenon

UFOs in Kansas City. Some areas are known hot spots with frequent and or repeated activity. Missouri MUFON investigators track the reports. They also track reports of weird and unusual related to UFO sightings.

Wendy's Coffeehouse interview, 2/4/18 - Margie Kay and Jean Walker - Paranormal, UFO and Unexplained in the Heartland

In addition to investigating cases reported to Missouri MUFON, Margie Kay and Jean Walker are both experiencers of Paranormal, UFO and Unexplained phenomena.

What's it like to experience the Joplin Spooklight up close and personal? Margie Kay and Jean shared experiences they had prior to knowing each other and then again when they decided to make a return trip to investigate the area and see if they could determine a source or a cause.

You can hear my previous interview with Jean about her life-time of paranormal experiences, including ET Abduction documented in her book, Family Secrets: UFO Hub video

Margie Kay has recently published The Kansas City UFO Flaps, full color with detailed case reports. Anyone who has reported a sighting (local KC or not) will appreciate comparing their experience with those compiled from others who have also furnished images and location information. Margie Kay on KCTV talking about one of the UFO Flaps.

One of the stories presented in her book is ongoing and so detailed and compelling Margie Kay says a follow up book is planned to focus specifically on that case.

PS. KC has a women's group dedicated to searching for Bigfoot.

Coming up, an interview with Brad Abrahams, the Director of Love and Saucers, the story of contactee David Huggins. A fascinating story, David is also an artist who paints the Aliens he has been in contact with since childhood. Love and Saucers Trailer

Thank you for listening and sharing! 
Stay Curious.

Feb 2, 2018

SciXFriday and Links: Science, Sci-Fi, Paranormal

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” - Nikola Tesla

Oddsnends - 
  • Once again, the Universe is causing Scientists to rethink their knowns. Gizmodo
  • Optogenetics: Light Treatment for Anxiety - Newsweek - possible cure. Science Alert
  • Space smells like ... depends on who describes it. MSN
  • When it comes to declassified Pentagon UFO images, Nick Pope suggests - for security reasons - clearer images could exist but they may never become public. Express
  • Beyond the frightening trailer. Examining the Winchester house mystery. Atlas Obscura
  • This brilliant play space keeps pesky parrots from messing with traffic cones. Atlas Obscura
  • Mystery of the Big 'Birds' reported in the KC area. Un-X News
  • Ditto - reports in North Carolina. Large, winged, flying somethings.  Mysterious Universe
  • Skeptiko: Finnish Mystic's visions and NDE Research have a lot in common. Free Book: From Death to Rebirth PDF
When Peace ... has a downside.

Short Sci-Fi films and more, follow CGMeetup

Sci-Fi alert. Flagging some new shows -

Wendy's Coffeehouse 2018 Schedule -

2/4/18 - On the trail of Unexplained, Paranormal, UFO and Curious in the Heartland. Margie Kay and Jean Walker, both from Missouri MUFON, talk about some of their cases, including the Joplin Spooklight, Bigfoot/Sasquatch and a metro area case so extensive Margie Kay has a book planned.  Follow the KC area Paranormal scene on Margie's Blog

Thank you for listening and sharing!
Stay curious.

Jan 26, 2018

SciXFriday, Beautiful Dreamer, under the influence of time...

“There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man ... a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination.” - Rod Serling, Rod Serling Memorial Foundation

Oddsnends - Timing
  • Older than the Big Bang: Black Holes  If one existed before light, did it exist before time when time is counted as starting with the Big Bang?
  • The newest fossil to rewrite history suggests the timeline for human migration is off a few thousand years. Cosmos
  • United in song. No words. Research (and Stevie Wonder) shows music is a universal language. Cosmos
  • Michio Kaku's new book The Future of Humanity. Regarding Aliens: "we may not discover extraterrestrial life when or where we expect to, and that in such strange circumstances, it will be essential to keep an open mind." Rainy Day Books - Appearance 2/28/18, Kansas City
  • A new science of Instant Transformation. Reality Shifters with Cynthia Sue Larson
  • 12 Far out facts from Lost in Space. MeTV

SciFi Short - Beautiful Dreamer. Longevity assist .. with extenuating circumstances. What if?

Home for Beautiful Dreamer
More CGBros on YouTube

NOTE: Check out the revamped and updated websites for Fate Magazine and Species Link Journal.
Here's my interview with Publisher Phyllis Galde. Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives.

Rod Serling, Twilight Zone trivia - *Ray Bradbury wrote several TZ shorts. Only one made it to air. A comment by Serling most likely created a life-long rift between the two. Mental Floss

Serling spoke out against prejudice and was an Anti-War Activist. Biography
USA Today interview with Anne Serling, Rod's Daughter about her book, As I knew him: My Dad, Rod Serling.

*Throughout his life, Bradbury liked to recount the story of meeting a carnival magician, Mr. Electrico, in 1932. At the end of his performance Electrico reached out to the twelve-year-old Bradbury, touched the boy with his sword, and commanded, Live forever! Bradbury later said, I decided that was the greatest idea I had ever heard. I started writing every day. I never stopped.

Wendy's Coffeehouse - 1/28/18 - Terry McKenzie owns one of the most actively haunted houses in Weston, Missouri. He says one of the paranormal groups he consulted labeled it an "intelligent" haunting, meaning the ghosts know what they're doing and can engage the occupants. And that they do.

Thanks for listening and sharing!
Stay Curious!