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Dec 31, 2019

2019 Delivered Uptick in Headlines Featuring UFO, Paranormal, Unexplained. Cheers to 2020! This is the SHIFT you are looking for.

“There was a startling recognition that the nature of the universe was not as I had been taught… I not only saw the connectedness, I felt it.… I was overwhelmed with the sensation of physically and mentally extending out into the cosmos. I realized that this was a biological response of my brain attempting to reorganize and give meaning to information about the wonderful and awesome processes that I was privileged to view.” - Edgar MitchellOverview Institute.

Edgar MitchellVice Interview on Soundcloud.

On the Overview Effect: "My experience was to realize that perhaps our science is wrong at answering these questions and perhaps our religious cosmologies are archaic and flawed. And given that now we are an extraterrestrial civilization ourselves, we need to re-ask these questions, and do a lot more work to find the answers."

OddsnEnds - 
  • SpaceVR and researchers from the University of Missouri are using VR in flotation tank setting to recreate the Overview Effect. Mysterious UniverseI would loved to have been in on this. About the research project. Clinical Trials Link.
  • Meet the Scientist who is working on Time Travel. "By studying the type of gravitational field that was produced by a ring laser, this could lead to a new way of looking at the possibility of a time machine based on a circulating beam of light." CNN.
  • 2020 kicks off with a boom. 1/7/20 = update on the 'Artificial Human'. Can Samsung's NEON deliver? Unexplained Mysteries. Follow NEON on Twitter. What few details there are: Input Mag.
  • Cast of Little Women haunted by the spirit of Louisa May Alcott? Oprah Magazine.
  • Standout 2019 odd news headliners include the First Day at School before and after jaw-dropper, Exit Interview with a Clown and the Student of Ninja history who handed in a blank paper. Ninja's use invisible ink. BBC.

Bigfoot/Sasquatch enigma. This project features the Mid American Bigfoot Research Center with D. W. Lee in Stilwell, Oklahoma.

About the film. From the MABRC info page:
Mid-America Bigfoot Research Center was approached by Osiyo.TV, the television broadcasting company of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma to help with an episode about Bigfoot in the Cherokee Tribal Boundaries.

For nearly six months, we went into the field with camera crews, interviews and more to put together this episode in which the producer and his crew did an excellent job of putting it together.

We hope that this production meets the approval of the Bigfoot Community as we worked our hardest to make it as accurate and scientific as possible.

Paranormal - x3

1/Haunted Rental. True story, mine. 12/26/19
Some details are confidential. New tenant discovered, after finding dried blood in various locations, their rental home had been the site of a brutal murder. Aside from the various legal issues (including failure to disclose and failure to sanitize the crime scene prior to renting), there have been hints of paranormal activity. Interesting side note: a visiting child looked down the hall to the room where much of the activity is located, paused and said to the adult, "That's creepy. Need to shut the door."

2/Ghost - posted on Reddit: 12/31/19 Hands
When I was four, I was helping my father clean up and repair my Grandmother's back patio. Since I was four this mostly consisted of me playing and occasionally handing my dad something he asked for. The patio was made of flagstones, and we were rearranging some and picking up broken ones to be replaced.

I moved a few broken pieces out of the way and noticed something white in the dirt. I dug for a bit and then called my dad over because it was bones and I felt I shouldn't touch them. It was the bones of a hand not much bigger than my own. My dad ended up turning them over to the police, and I later found out that the house there prior to my grandmother's had burned down with a man and his son inside. So, my dad said it was probably the kid's hand, though he didn't know why they hadn't found it when the family was buried after the fire was put out.

After the hand was dug up, I started seeing the ghost of a boy with no hand bones. His hands were so floppy and gross. He was wearing old fashioned looking blue and white pajamas and he never talked. He looked super sad and really pale with big circles under his eyes. He used to follow me around while I was trying to play and I'd tell him to go away and leave me alone (parents saw me shouting at him a lot though of course they couldn't see him) since he was so weird. The creepiest thing he would do is ooze out of the heating vent in my playroom, floppy hands first. Could not stand that kid.

In the woods behind my grandmother's house, at night I'd often see a ghost light wandering around. Years after the hand incident, I saw it was a lantern being carried by a middle aged due with a grayed out beard. I told my dad what he looked like and he said he thought it might be the dad who had died in the fire. He called him Old Man Motley but I never found any news articles or anything so I think he just made the name up for me. I saw him a few more times after that. I think he was looking for his kid.

They both felt so strange and sad...

3/Time-Warp on a Hiking trail - posted on Reddit: 12/31/19 
Some years ago - I’d say 2014/2015 - my sis and I were scouring all hiking trails in San Jose and one afternoon decided upon a small but semi-reputable sounding one. We parked after surviving a badly made 1-way road, and started out with our dog around 3-3:30. The trail markers weren’t in great condition but we still easily found a main path to a scenic overview. It was a 20-30 minute hike which curved gently around a giant rock and relatively straightforward.

We got to the overlook, admiring views of a dam and town for a good minute before turning around to start back. We turned around, and it was as if the straightforward trail we’d just been on had vanished and there was only one to the left going up and one to the right, going down. At first we thought “okaaay, this is weird, but let’s just get back.” Tried the path going up and around a hill, didn’t seem right. At this point I said “well, the gates close in 45 minutes, we have time if we can connect back with the trail we took.” So we went back to the one heading down, and somehow kept going further down the mountain when it should’ve joined with the main one.

We knew something was wrong when the direction wasn’t changing and it was getting dark. So keep in mind that we parked at 3ish, got to the overlook at 4, and by 6-6:30 were lost. Thank everything I’d brought my mobile charger and there was a clear spot with reception halfway up the trail we were on and at the top where it intersected. I had to call 911 who had to call the park service to get someone to pick us up (the listed park’s emergency numbers were useless).

Once we were rescued, it was a good 15 minute drive back to the lot. Now had the main trot been that long, we never would’ve made it to the scenic overlook with the sun still up. A 20-30 minute walk on an obvious main trail with plenty of light still, and we ended up needing a drive back that would’ve taken us 2 hours to walk. Not to mention my sis’s dog who is typically very good with knowing where to go, was frightened and confused.

We are convinced we got caught in a vortex or time warp of some kind because we can’t explain how a fairly short walk put us hours away from the car.

David Paulides might find that case interesting. Missing 411. Follow David on Twitter.

More dots to play with connect. These interviews include time warp/time travel/portal experiences.

Thank you for listening!
Stay curious.