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Nov 8, 2021

The Ufology Tarot - a winning combination made goal on Kickstarter

"When the long awaited solution to the UFO problem comes, I believe that it will prove to be not merely the next small step in the march of science but a mighty and totally unexpected quantum jump." - J. Allen Hynek, Source.

The Ufology Tarot reached the desired goal on Kickstarter in just a week. Previewing the initial samples - I signed up and am looking forward to seeing the rest of the cards.  

Whether you have a casual or vested interest in Ufology, this deck and the accompanying book offer a contemporary, well reasoned glimpse into some of the key players, events and history.

For me – it served a dual purpose. I’m adding the deck and the book to my collection and interested to see what develops in a reading.

Miguel Romero, UFOlogy Tarot Deck artist (aka Red Pill Junkie – “RPJ”) shares details about the project origination and his contribution on his blog: Absurd By Design.

One of the highlights refers to the subject chosen for The Emperor.

*Note: Greg Bishop is the originator of the project.

“Greg also had the opportunity to show an incomplete version of the artwork to Hynek’s son, Paul. His words after watching his dad sitting on his throne were more or less, “I don’t know what that is but I want it once it’s done!”.

Interested in a deck for yourself or a friend? The project reached the goal. 11/7/21. Fundraising continues through the deadline. Tue, November 30.

Here is an introduction.

I originally shared a version of this re-post on my other blog. Link.