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Mar 11, 2021

Sci-Fi, Afterlife, UFO, Reincarnation, Feel Good, Curious

"If you ask a question strongly enough, the universe cooperates and gives you information relevant to the question." - John E. Mack

OddsnEnds - 

- Traces of psychedelics make you feel good, but so does placebo. Results of ‘self-blinding’ study. ScienceMag.

- Mobile brain wave reader can detect the emotions of a Horse. Science.

- "Can we ask people questions that they could actually hear in their dreams that we could kind of have a more meaningful conversation?" NPR.

- Using a Dyson Sphere to bring the dead back to life. 
"Humans can’t build a Dyson Sphere - yet - but the researchers say nanorobots could one day do the job." (On the other hand, a body isn't required for immortality.) PopMech

- Study: Social media users behave a lot like animals searching for food. UPI

- New Theory about the 2020 Monoliths: We're the Aliens. NYTimes.

- 'Third quarter phenomenon' - First named in 1991 by researchers studying people living in cold regions, the phenomenon (still theoretical) is characterized by mood shifts among people nearly finished with a long period of isolation. Those affected often feel anxious, withdrawn, and increasingly vulnerable. Time


Breadcrumbs - Afterlife Books and blogs 

After: A Doctor Explores What Near-Death Experiences Reveal about Life and Beyond” (St. Martin’s Essentials), Amazon, March 2, Dr. Bruce Greyson

"5% have had a near death experience and they say it made life worth living." - NYPost

Reviews: "Bridges the gap between science and spirituality with elegance." - Anita Moorjani, bestselling author of Dying to Be Me "

"This book will change the consciousness of many readers in a very positive way." - Pim van Lommel, M.D., author of Consciousness Beyond Life


Checking in with Near Death researchers Ring and Moody -

Waiting to Die is now a book. Amazon.

- Dr. Kenneth Ring’s 'theory is that both near death experiencers and UFO experiencers are able to enter an altered state of consciousness through dissociation. This enables them to enter an objectively real “imaginal realm” or alternate reality in which their unusual experiences take place.' - Blog.

In 1968, Dr. Raymond Moody says he was a sceptic and an atheist. He now considers himself as neither. Why? He says 'after 50 years of investigating near death experiences and hearing from thousands of doctors and patients, he could no longer deny the survival of consciousness.'
 Website and Blog.

A short excerpt from the documentary, 'Hidden Beyond the Veil'. Regarding the life review: YouTube. It isn't about judgement. Rather, the focus is, how have you learned to love? More videos from the documentary. Youtube.  


'System Error' - Sci-Fi short film. George works at a convenience store, desperately hoping for a friend. 


"System Error" by Matt Vesely
Connect with the Filmmakers:

Explore the DUST Multiverse on our App:​


Call for Writers: "We aim for the writing at Trail of the Saucers to be lively, useful, and revelatory. It should appeal to those who already know much about the history, science, and politics of the UFO issue, yes, but it must also be user-friendly to those readers who are just coming to the subject based on the breaking news of the past several years." - Medium


Proof of Reincarnation. Interview with Stephane Allix available now in the podcast library. Wendy's Coffeehouse Link.

When I was Someone Else: The Incredible True Story of Past Life Connection, 2021, Amazon.
Stephane is a former war reporter and documentary director, founding member and President of the French Institute of Research on Extraordinary Experiences (INREES)

We talk about his past life journey but I was also curious about his connection to John Mack after I saw the Experiencers documentary [by Stephane Allix] about Alien Abductions listed among the titles posted on the John E Mack Institute site.

What happened to Stephane in the Amazon was definitely a jump start from spirit. Not one to trust his own inner guidance, the entire journey was an exercise in developing trust and discernment.

For substantiating evidence, the book includes photos, maps and historical documents. Details are cross referenced for dates and locations to track the movements of the soldiers and locate the finale resting place.

If the photo resemblance is remarkable and the documentation irrefutable, being accepted by the relatives was the deciding factor. He passed that test.

There are multiple synchronicities in connecting the dots to unfold the timeline suggesting assistance from an unseen source. When the pastlife aspect of the soul found an outlet to address a deep seeded wound, healing resulted on both timelines, allowing the aspect of soul that is the present incarnation to progress without further impediment.

Stephane is continuing to explore the topic of consciousness and extraordinary knowing. No doubt, more will be revealed.


"If you're really a mean person you're going to come back as a fly and eat poop." - Kurt Cobain
"Monk" Magazine, October 1992. 

More quotes from Kurt. Source.

Best of: "You do learn things and one of them is that happiness has nothing to do with validation from other people, the important thing is being happy with yourself ... finding something that is important to you and sticking with it no matter what anyone says. The truth is you've got to really be tough because there are all kinds of forces that are always trying to get you to do things their way ... trying to tell you that you are throwing your life away if you don't follow their advice."  
