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Dec 16, 2020

2020 kiss off - Vaccine roll out, Cruise rant, Headline highlights UFO, Paranormal, Mind Science and Sci-Fi short film: Alone

"Think off-center." ~ George Carlin


  • Solid gold viral. Tom Cruise reprimand of crew caught violating Covid-19 protocol. Rex Chapman Twitter.
    - To sum up - "Honor protocol to minimize/avoid contamination and STAY employed while T-H-O-U-S-A-N-D-S lose their livelihood ... and lives... and industries swim in red ink." Drives the point home. Covid-19 is not a lark nor a game. Counter measures are REQUIRED - Survival is earned.

  • Currently more than 50 COVID-19 vaccine candidates in trials. WHO.

  • Sandra the Orangutan demonstrates hand washing. Handlers say she copied them. Massimo Twitter.

  • Predict this foreshadowing of things to come will be ignored ... "Komodo dragon viciously attacked an Indonesian construction worker helping build a $6.5 million “Jurassic Park”-inspired resort on an island where the world’s largest lizards have roamed for thousands of years." Nature bites back. Vice.

  • Astronomers detect possible radio emission from exoplanetPhysOrg.

  • Skinwalker Ranch Enigma. 2016, Real Estate Mogul Brandon Fugal purchased the ranch, tightened up security, hired a team of researchers to investigate the site and launched The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch on the History Channel.  Viewership registered in the millions and scored a second season. Utah Business Magazine:
     “Most people on this planet believe in life after death,” he continues. “And I think the scientific explanation is that we do live in a multi-dimensional universe and that our consciousness has the capacity to pass from this dimension of reality into the next. I think scientists have theorized for a long time that we live in a multi-dimensional universe and what we’re observing on Skinwalker Ranch seems to confirm that.” - Brandon Fugal

  • Atheists found God. "To better understand how these mystical encounters affect people in the long term, scientists publishing in PLOS One assessed the mental health effects they had on over 4,000 people who had experienced them." - Inverse

  • Punitive training methods are stressful for DogsPhysOrg.

  • "Kangaroos can learn to communicate with humans similar to how domesticated dogs do, by using their gaze to “point” and ask for help, researchers said in a study published on Wednesday." Reuters.

  • UFO. On March 8th, 1994, civilians in western Michigan on the edge of Lake Michigan called 911 en masse about strange lights in the sky, described as mostly cylindrical, moving up and down in altitude, and having a vertical row of lights on them. They appeared to be coordinated, as one caller described them as moving in a circle. This was backed up by a National Weather Service radar operator in Muskegon, MI, who was contacted by the 911 dispatcher and asked to look into it. - It's [redacted]: YouTube.

  • Somewhere out there, surfing the multiverse. 2012 Evergreen: The Hidden Reality, Brian Greene The Guardian

Beginnings, endings, be here now. "Kaya Torres is circling a black hole in a pod, with no one coming, no one to help. She's Alone".

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ALONE by William Hellmuth.
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  • 2020 (Kissoff) Countdown: "One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor."
    ~ George Carlin. Carlin Documentary in the works. Collider.
  • BTW - The Sigma Nu house on the KU campus in Lawrence, Kansas is haunted.

    Here's the Wendy's Coffeehouse interview with Matt De Sarle and the video series Free State Horror stories: Haunted Stubbs Mansion.

    I visited as part of a paranormal research investigation and had not heard any of the gossip prior to going to the location. My segment - responding as the intuitive/psychic - is in part two.

    Photos I took (2009) and more insight from our visit are posted on my other blog. 
