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Nov 29, 2020

Odds n Ends - Sci-Fi Short Film: Bear With Me, Conscious shifting into 2021

"Your consciousness is creating your life experience. Your consciousness is controlling your genes. Genes don't cause a cancer. Genes are correlated with cancer. If your life is not in harmony and you have one of these genes, you can activate a cancer." If you can control stress, you can control your health."
- Bruce Lipton, PhD, Anthony Chene Documentary, 'Who we are'... 

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Funeral for a Cat - "People came in and they wouldn't necessarily be churchgoers, but they'd come in to find the cat -- and I think that they found themselves very welcome. Ending up in a sacred space and spending time with a cat was good for people." CNN

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Pets in the White House - along with the 2 dogs, a cat will be moving in. People.

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Monolith in the Utah desert has vanished. Fun while it lasted. CNN.

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Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind is now available on Amazon Prime.
Dr. Steven Greer continues to share his results with CE5 contact. One of the most compelling stories is one of the participants who experienced a healing while at an event. - Cheryl Costa outlines the CE5 process on her former column at Syracuse New Times. [Publication ceased in 2019.]

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'Bear With Me' - A rusty nursing robot must decide between dragging his former patient back to the hospital or letting him catch a glimpse of the horizon in the wilderness.


 'Bear With Me' by Carlos Cortes
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The time has come to shift gears. Reviving my wordpress blog. No set schedule. I can set a writing agenda but paranormal isn't a pony show. Life has a unique rhythm and timing. Often, the stuff I write about forces me to step back and play with it before giving it definition and words: Conscious Living & Wendy's Coffeehouse.

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Might have a few more speed bumps working up to 2021. (Astrology suggests eclipses will be a factor. Also the Great Conjunction in Aquarius playing a role. I have a sense there will be a burp around December 12. Usually a good call to pay attention to the stars and planets.) Bustle/Astrology December 2020.

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John Foster added a footnote to my interview with his daughter Kindra Foster. I've included that information in the show notes. John said a Native American woman told him the tribe had received a message about Kindra on the day before she was born. He asked how that message had been given. She said a voice spoke from a disc or light over the campfire. That interview is posted in the archives


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Wendy's Coffeehouse archives - Updated weekly and/or when there are new shows available. Most have a 40 minute run time. No commercials. Thank you for listening!