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Oct 25, 2020

Are we there yet? Covid, UFO and Halloween Headlines

"When I was two or three years old, another young boy and I were told that they (the mysterious intelligences) were here to change humankind and the way they did it was to enlist help from people like me (or us).

It was a voice who spoke at different times as a common man, a tall lizard-like being, a small alligator being, from a certain place in the atmosphere, and from inside my head."
- John Foster, Eminent Discovery Vol. 1, Living Within and Beyond the Five Senses. Amazon 

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OddsnEnds - 
  • Covid Long-Haulers. This is not the flu. Harvard.
  • Slo-Mo vid is convincing (and sufficiently gross) case for masks. HuffPo.
  • 2020 Halloween = Candypult. Using the year's trendiest phrase: "Out of an abundance of caution", Duck! UPI.
  • Ennis the Donkey - gets a big hug after surviving the the CalWoods (Colorado) fire. Adam the draft horse made it too. HuffPost.
  • Complaints? Shop owner modified ceiling. Now under constant surveillance by upper management = his two cats. Reddit.
  • Welcome back Weekly World News. Kickstarter success. Link.
  • Pilot captured video of a UFO he saw in June, "None of my flying friends have any idea as to what it was," he said. Charlotte Observer.
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My second interview with John Foster is available in Wendy's Coffeehouse archives. Link. (The email correspondence has been posted in two parts on John Foster's Blog (Part 1) and I added that to mine as well. Link. We are continuing our exploration of this interaction by the hidden forces among us. Their activities continue. For what purpose? How do we connect? Why can't we see them?)

Decades ago, Experiencers like John Foster got a preview of future events, including some now playing out. As an example, John says a time travel experience he remembers from the 50's previewed events that transpired in the 70's.

Interestingly, one of the most distant imprints of the future presented buildings in the Midwest built and dedicated as housing for orphan immigrants from Central and South America.

Image courtesy JohnFosterUFOS.

UFOs and cousins JohnFosterUFOS
In his 80s now, John is not convinced he will live
long enough to see how all he was shown will play out. But some events now on the horizon do appear to be in sync with the timeline he saw.

I continued to correspond with John after our earlier conversation and our interview included questions
we covered in the emails. However, the time was too short to include all of my questions so John agreed to let me post our email correspondence. You can find it at this site

"If you compare the mysterious cultural, scientific, and religious events of history with UFO Eminent Discovery, it will surely expand your knowledge of human life on earth. It is a story that will provide you with astonishing revelations concerning the true nature of UFOs, as well as an expanded view of the nature of our vast eternal universe." - Bob Teets, best selling author, investigative journalist, researcher, editor, publisher – former representative of the Human Potential Foundation.

FYI: Bob Teets is author of UFOs and Mental Health. The following quote is included in the High Strangeness Interview Transcript with Patrick Huyghe.

"My book is based on the briefing Laurance presented to Pres. Clinton's science advisor . . . a year after that, President and Mrs. Clinton vacationed with Laurance (Rockefeller) at his ranch in Wyoming."

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Following up with John Foster - I had some additional questions referred to in our email correspondence.

Our conversation continues on my other blog. John has two blog posts that include our email Q&A: TalkingtoNightlights.