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Oct 11, 2020

I want the fortune cookie that foretells a future where the present isn't overwhelmed working out the kinks from the past.

“It can be very dangerous to see things from somebody else's point of view without the proper training.”
- Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless/Amazon

Reincarnation and past lives are the topic of my recent conversation with Dr. Bernie Siegel, posted in Wendy's Coffeehouse archives. Link

Author of several books, Love, Medicine and Miracles was the initial best seller. In his first book of fiction, Three Men, Six Lives, one of the characters was developed from his own past life memories. 

We also talk about how his current life experiences include an uptick in paranormal encounters since the death of his wife. He says he feels her as a constant presence.

Stories Bernie shares from his patients and his own life are proof that, while we don't have all the answers for why some people heal and others don't, we do have proof that miracles can happen. Because they do. 

2020 headlines are delivering a delightful serving of weird, odd, offbeat and fringe.  
  • A Witch was it? Apparently, one gave the President Covid. For real? Vice.
  • Navy says UFOs are real - still dogged by little green men asides. NPR. 
  • Toxic Caterpillars that look like toupees. Don't touch. Nope. AOL.
  • Loch Ness Nessie buzz: "The most compelling sonar images of a 32-foot long object, some 500 feet below the loch's surface." Inverness Courier.
  • UFO curious: The Calvine Incident. Release blocked by MoD until 2072. And the question: "By the time the world gets to see the file, the two witnesses will be dead. It is crazy. What are the authorities trying to hide?" The Sun.
  • Ahead of the game: Guy who patented the UFO. YouTube. 2018 worth repeating.
  • Eddie Van Halen died. Outstanding 2017 interview demonstrates his guitar skill. YouTube.
  • Covid safe. Flaming Lips concert audience will be in bubbles. Rolling Stone.
  • FYI - Neck gaiters got a bum rap. University of Georgia study in what "seems to be the first actual face mask and neck gaiter study." Best result: Gaiters made up of two to three layers (polyester and spandex) provided a 96 percent reduction in respiratory droplets. Yahoo. (Bias: I own the Eddie Bauer version.)

Cases involving missing children who claim to have been helped by large dog or bears are curious. David Paulides notes a couple of those and says he isn't ready to draw any conclusions. No doubt, they remain fascinating.


- Working on another interview with Experiencer John Foster. 46 years of contact and interaction with UFOs is an incredible database. While there seems to be great interest in the topic and in nuts and bolts UFOs, there is still an avoidance or simply a lack of awareness regarding those who have reported lifetime encounters. 

John's background as an engineer makes him uniquely qualified to add insight into the machinery or lack of machinery manifested during an encounter. Will update when I have more information to share.

- Seeing footage of the Ariel school children included in James Fox's newly released film The Phenomenon is a reminder that the film about that incident is still waiting in the wings - now titled Ariel School Phenomenon - it has been a work in progress for several years. 

Film is finished but no public release date to note. However, there is increasing activity and promotion on the Facebook page. Link. 

- After the conversation with Bernie Siegel about Carl Jung, I discovered an interesting prophecy. Jung's Prophetic Visions are listed here. Here's hoping the deathbed vision is several decades further out. 

- On a POSITIVE note: The Expanse, Season 5 = December 16th. Amazon Prime. Trailer. Counting down. The Expanse Cast Interview/New York Comic Con.

Thank you for checking in.
Stay Curious. 
Be well.