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Aug 7, 2020

Waiting for the New Normal to stick the landing ... Other news = AI, Missile Silo 4 sale, Altered states and Natalie Sudman's NDE

“I never set out to be weird. It was always other people who called me weird.” - Frank Zappa

OddsnEnds - 
  • Navan Fort has been viewed as a sacred site for thousands of years. New discovery suggests the presence of ancient architecture at the scene. LiveScience
  • Computers that can write their own software. This AI is on it. Singularity Hub
  • Plan B. Cold War Bunker and Missile Silo for sale. Atlas Obscura.
  • Back to school prep: Covid-19 has Teachers writing their Obituaries. CNN.  
Altered States -
  • Time slip: number one. Ivan T. Sanderson and his wife could never reconcile this one. “How did we get to Paris 500 years ago?” Mysterious Universe.
  • Time slip: number 2 Parallel world alongside ours? Some indigenous beliefs support this. This story speaks for itself. The Helen Lane incident. "I'm going to repeat my telling of this encounter because it is not only inexplicable but the mere fact that it happened threatens to discombobulate almost any model of reality one chooses to lean upon."  The Big Study.
  • Take Spot for a walk. Social distancing via Robodog? Futurism
  • Trivia archive. Green code in The Matrix? Sushi Recipes. Independent.
# # #

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview, 8/9/20/Sunday is Natalie SudmanApplication of Impossible ThingsAmazon.

Archaeologist for the Bureau of Land Management. While working for the US Army Corp of Engineers in Iraq, the vehicle she was traveling in hit a roadside bomb. Natalie was blown up. 

During her NDE, she says she encountered beings who seemed like old friends. Their interaction included determining what parts of her body to heal and what issues to leave for her to work through as part of her recovery.

When she volunteered to work in Iraq, Natalie said she did consider the potential danger. A surprise was that others around her had not. And, in talking with Natalie, it becomes apparent that she thrives on diverse scenery and might easily become bored without a certain element of risk in her environment. The risk was all too real. And the reward? She says it was worth it to be able to check in and validate some of her assumptions.

Natalie shares her story here (Intro by Dolores Cannon - now deceased).

Natalie also does readings but is booked through the rest of 2020. Try for 2021 if you are interested. 
Her site:
Blog site:

"The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind." - Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 Text 07

"Psychic realities and phenomena can come alive in us as individuals, in our society and culture, in the world and universe as a whole." - Estate of Ingo Swann @EstateIngoSwann on Twitter

Stay curious.
Be well. 
Wear a mask.