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Jul 28, 2020

Road tripping during the pandemic - UFO Watchtower remains open. UFO/Bigfoot tourism.

"I began to wonder why I had always assumed that human thought was the only kind of thought - as if nature would be content with a single species of flower, or just one kind of tree.” - Ken Carey, The Third Millennium

OddsnEnds -
  • 'Incognito'... yeah, right. Google sued for $5 Billion for tracking users, even those using incognito mode. Vice.

Pandemic road trip? These *three sites are open at the time of this post. Websites are updated for availability and guidelines/restrictions.
  1. The Montana Vortex and Mystery House is a show stopper. Vortexes, Orbs, Sasquatch activity and unusual energetic manifestations.
  2. The Sasquatch Outpost. Events still being planned include Bigfoot Adventure Weekend, August 7-9. A recent review:  "Must visit place in Bailey! Best little shop in town! Awesome selection of Sasquatch stuff and the place is full of charm, yes pay to see the little museum! My kids and grandkids love it as much as I do." - June 2020. Trip Advisor.
  3. UFO Watchtower, Hooper, Colorado. Camping available. The owner (referenced in the Vice feature and the film I posted below: The Bigfoot Alien Connection Revealed) says she had a visit from the Navy. Synchronicity? The report they issued to her includes a phrase similar to a quote that has been widely shared this week: "Non-human intelligence not from this world."

This 2013 Vice Interview features the UFO Watchtower.

"Off world vehicles not made of this earth." Huffington Post.

The New York Times kickstarted the UFO topic again. " Read: New York Times. Reporters Ralph Blumenthal and Leslie Kean are now on the interview circuit. This is their first interview. Project Unity on YouTube. [I'll continue with links in future posts.]

From non-existent to a potential threat? Willingness to discuss the topic publically at the highest levels of government indicates a continued shift from previous decades when UFO subject matter met with an attitude of derision, denial and ridicule.

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In the Interview archives, an unexpected game changer. Kathleen Marden offers information she is just now disclosing on a new DNA bombshell discovery and her own abduction experience when she was 17.

Wendy's Coffeehouse interview with Kathleen Marden.

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Related Media and Content:

  • Book: Identified Flying Objects: A Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO Phenomenon. "But why not argue that ET is actually a traveler from across the vastness of space, from a distant planet? Wouldn't that be a simpler answer?"
  • Video: The Mandela EffectHollywood Reporter panned it. I liked it. Then I searched for more reactions. The Conversation opted to view the film as a stepping off point for further examination and consideration of the concept.

    Reviews on Amazon Prime are mostly positive. 3.8 out of 5. Trailer. For me, the premise made it worth watching.
  • Website: Focusing on time shifts and anomalous events. Follow Cynthia Sue Larson: Reality Shifters.
  • Documentary: Paranormal, Orbs, UFOs and Bigfoot. Sightings suggest they are linked. The question is how. The Bigfoot Alien Connection Revealed. Includes Nick Pope, Stanton Friedman, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Nick Redfern, Jim Meyers, Joe Hauser. *The three suggested road trip sites listed above are included in this film.

Final note: Best "I told you so" of 2020. Goes to Bob Lazar.

Posted by Joe Rogan: "Imagine sticking your neck out in 1989 and telling an insane story about working on back engineering alien spacecrafts, dealing with ridicule for 31 years only to have the pentagon come out in 2020 and vindicate you, and to see it printed in the New York Times. That’s the story of @unitednuclearbob. We are truly living in the strangest of times."

Stay curious.
Be well.
Wear a mask.