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Jul 24, 2020

Collecting the dots: UFOs, Dreams, Dimensions, Altered States and Consciousness

The moment you experience a 'miracle' is the moment you realize reality is fluid - full of potentials we have not yet evolved to fathom. Miracles are incentive to reexamine the dots.

OddsnEnds -
  • UFO headline doubletake 2020 - “off-world vehicles not made on this Earth.” Leslie Kean had hinted the good stuff was ready to drop. This is worth the wait. NYTimes.
  • Orb cameo. World UFO Day - live broadcast - Did we figure out what these were? Link.
  • Comet NEOWISE photobombed by SpaceX Satellites. Link. 
  • Altered States. "Besides this missing time, he soon found out that the flashlight he had been carrying was missing, and oddly he was never able to find it. When he got back to the cabin the lights were still on and all of the groceries he had brought were strewn around the floor." Mysterious Universe.

Dimensions merging. Have you noticed?

Dream - Watching from two vantage points at the same time - a person racing his boat across the water. I am shown the face - up close - the expression and the energy of pure joy while at the same I view the boat from above as it cuts across the waves - across where the 2 oceans meet.

2 oceans join. The divide is obvious because the waters are different colors along the merge line. A small boat with 4 tiny people in it approaches my elevated position, stopping at the divide in the water. I hover like a drone. They are below and to my left in the ocean water.

Controlled by an exact replica of larger group - 4 identical people are dressed in blue and white - same colors as the boat. One person in the remote controlled boat leaned over at the same time as the person in the larger boat and it was clear they were linked. It seemed the group in the larger boat wanted to see if I knew the tiny boat was remote controlled. Apparently, they didn't know I could see them pulling the strings. I don't think they can control the tiny boat if it crosses to the other side. I find that fascinating and wake up.

The Name Game: Ten famous people you've met in person or been within a few feet of, including one fake listing. Friends try to guess the one you fudged.

Rather than fake, I opt to include one fuzzy memory celeb encounter - I have forgotten whether it was in person or on the phone.
  1. William Shatner
  2. Rick Springfield
  3. Jimmy Carter
  4. The Amazing Kreskin
  5. Willie Nelson
  6. Donny & Marie
  7. George Strait
  8. Wayne Dyer
  9. Sting
  10. Jon Bon Jovi
Now it's all a Radio haze. Time flies. 

Reading recommended for shifting paradigms:
  1. The Eighth Tower - John Keel
  2. Eileen Garrett - Autobiography of a Medium
  3. No More Secrets, No More Lies - Patricia Cori
  4. The Dual Soul Connection - Suzy Hansen

When Spirit Guides offer an assist. A recent PSI challenge involved a business deal. I was reading and felt a sharp pain in my left temple. Twice. For a moment I thought I might need to take something then the phone rang. The deal is on. 

From that point on there are several intuitive prompts to focus and remember certain elements during this transaction. Each and every prompt has a purpose. The initial pain in my head was a clue - heads up - pay attention. Each person works this stuff in his own way. I have noticed my cues are telepathic and subtle (mostly non-verbal), a nudge to check something out.

When I follow up, the pieces connect.

Missing 411 trailer - David Paulides tracking the unknown.

Excellent collection. So many loose ends. And very likely there are multiple answers that don't fit our current category of knowns. 

Also 'Missing 411: The Hunted' "based on the book by David Paulides, documents 185 cases of missing peoples from four different countries. All 185 cases fit a narrowly defined profile that was refined after researching thousands of missing person reports; these cases are the most difficult, defy common sense, challenge conventional wisdom and remain unexplained."

UFO Replay Terry Lovelace talks about his experience at Devils Den and the implant he had no idea was there until the reveal came in an X-ray. Link.

Stay curious.
Be well.
Wear a mask.

24/7 Wake up call.
Reality is more than meets the eye.