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Jul 17, 2020

Exploring Mystery X's and Quantum O's: Ghosts, ETs, Sci-Fi NDEs and Giant Eggs...

"Electrical and magnetic energy, in combination with other forms of energy, radiate from the body and travel into space as organized patterns of energy." - Linda Russek and Gary Schwartz, The Living Energy Universe. Related research link: Inner Knowing

OddsnEnds - 

  • New thread on the Pascagoula UFO encounter. 'They didn't make it up. I can guarantee that.' Calvin Parker explained the man who gave him copies of the recording was an officer with the Pascagoula Police Department on the night the abduction occurred, but does not want to be identified. Source. Refresh: Pascagoula: The Story Continues.
  • Ghost in Baby's room? Room temp drops and weird stuff appears on camera monitor. UK News.
  • "I think something got in the bed with me one night," Aykroyd said. "I didn't look to see. I just snuggled up next to it, whatever it was. I had a good night's sleep." - Dan Aykroyd believes in Ghosts. He narrates true stories for Hotel Paranormal on the Travel Channel. UPI. 
  • NEOWISE will be brightest about an hour and a half after sunset between now and Sunday. Look to the north-northwest and it should be about 10 degrees above the horizon. It will come closest to Earth on July 22. LA Times.
  • Blockbuster. Mary Trump’s new book sold a record 950,000 copies on first day of release. Deadline.
  • Shrooms. Nearly half of the participants rated their experience following the highest psilocybin dose to be among the top most meaningful and psychologically insightful of their lives. Psypost.
  • Need more UFO mini golf courses .... Nicholson said. “You can only sit on the beach for so long before you have to go do something else.Link includes photos.
  • Say it in Hieroglyphics. Google App fun
  • ETs to the Rescue. "A lot of people see disaster on the horizon, and there’s a deep fear that we won’t be able to save ourselves,” she told Vox. “So what will save us? Well, for some, it will be these advanced beings who come to us and tell us what we can do or how we can escape.” - Diana Pasulka.
  • Forrest Fenn's $1 million treasure hunt was the inspiration for a new challenge. Johnny Perri and his fianceé, Amy, buried the contents of his entire jewelry store — and "thousands upon thousands" of precious metals and antiques — throughout the state of Michigan = $1 million worth of treasure. "We went through waterfalls, streams, we kayaked everywhere," Perri told WJBK-TV in DetroitFenn via  Yahoo.
  • Define Awesome? Andean Condor superpower. Soared 100 miles without one wing flap. Gizmodo

# # #

I interviewed Jim Bruton about his NDE. [All of my broadcast shows are archived on Audioboom.] His presentation for the Charlotte IANDS group features an image of the Egg we referenced. ... Jim experienced a fantastical - albeit dark and foreboding - sci-fi landscape where the "Egg" is the main character. Or rather, Jim is the main character?

I'll defer to Jim to interpret his story. The In Between: A Trip of a Lifetime. Audiobook.

"the “In Between” shows the quantum reality of time; things that happened at the beginning of time are affecting things at the end of time, and in between the two is only the present."

Jim is already wrapping up book two and looking ahead to a third. He credits PMH Atwater as a tremendous mentor and resource in helping him navigate his near death after effects.

Bonus: electrical anomalies are part of the new package. (Can be expensive.)

7/19/20Wendy's Coffeehouse interview with Jim Bruton

Airs Sunday night at 8 pm on KCMO Talk Radio 710AM. I also post most shows in the archives prior to airing and the longer version will air on Empower Radio. Adding the extra 20 minute segment as a separate post.

My companion - the nightlight energy - has been indicating the changes in our environment will become increasingly chaotic. I have also noted a mirroring energy uptick in my surroundings. Lots of flickering lights and power surges and - to make a point - those are happening at the most inconvenient times. Thus, indicating more challenges for those who insist upon or have become accustomed to order and predictability in their routine. If it isn't obvious by now - that is not part of this present or the near future. Buckle up and strap in. Heavy duty Speed bumps for the next 6 months. But you knew that already.

So... Energy is building. Wondering at the Magic afoot. Knowing the answer ... is in allowing the awareness. Self is All-revealing-One. Embrace the flow.

[Risk aversion road test in progress. Wear the mask.]

Stay curious.
Be well.