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Jun 14, 2020

End of the World, ET Insight, Consciousness, Ingo Swann and other highlights ...

We are entering the phase of Enlightened Ascension. In alignment with realization of no beginning and no ending, the stream of consciousness ever flows. Viewed from within the illusion, the little mind adopts a starting point that positions ego embodiment and physical existence in limited form. Engage expanded knowing. Let go of the construct.

All is One. Anything less is fiction, a beautiful, horrific, elegant and manufactured drama in which the little mind has accepted a role. Re-envision self from the greater mind vantage point. Have you outgrown that role? You can and you will. Re-Set, Re-Frame, Re-Fresh. Level up and carry on. Aho and Aloha!

The quote applies: "At the end of the game the king and the pawn go into the same box." Quote Investigator.

OddsnEnds -

End of the world date, revised. 2012 ooops false alarm. Correction: 2020. "A computer program named “World One,” developed in 1973 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), predicts 2020 to be the year when a series of catastrophic events kick off a 20-year process of a slow demise of human civilization. Source: Time and Date.

Mysterious Universe has another take on the Mayan Calendar 2020 update/revision.

Fast tracking Sci-Fi reality - Jeehwan Kim, associate professor of mechanical engineering at MIT: “Imagine connecting a neuromorphic device to a camera on your car, and having it recognize lights and objects and make a decision immediately, without having to connect to the internet. We hope to use energy-efficient memristors to do those tasks on-site, in real-time.” A Brain in Your Pocket. Plan B. Singularity Hub.

Down the rabbit hole with Bright Garlick. Listen to Dude [an ET contact]. Note the date is October 2, 2019. Re: another civilization almost wiped out by a toxic microbe and how eventual collaboration saved them ... [ET insight/intervention...] Link.

Follow Bright Garlick for more ET insight on his blog. Link.

Matrix 4 - pushed back from 2021 to 2022. "In addition to being the first Matrix film in nearly 20 years, the sequel is bringing back original trilogy stars Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss. Considering they both emphatically died at the end of The Matrix Revolutions, it’ll be interesting to see how Wachowski resurrects them." Collider.

Now we're getting somewhere. This video was written for Silva Record: Experiencers, Unique Intuition and Biomarkers. Includes research performed by Garry Nolan and Dr. Kit Green on a biomarker that can ID people with unique intuitive abilities, presented in 2018.

Subscribe: The Mind Sublime.

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview coming in July -

Ingo Swann's reincarnation novel, The Windy Song. Instant classic.

I loved this review on Amazon: Stephen C. Rose - 5.0 out of 5 stars.
A Great Work Which Nails Re-Incarnation and Distinguishes The Author Reviewed in the United States on June 6, 2020 Verified Purchase

"Ingo Swann would have been a mass celebrity but for the obtuseness of the intellectual establishment which relegates the openly psychic to the realm of kookiness. It's the world's loss because this little novella is a gem. Read it with thanksgiving for a talent worthy of a Willa Cather. Had Ingo never published a word he would still stand out. But he wrote many books. This one languished on a shelf after he died. Thank goodness it was rescued. I hope in time Ingo will gain the recognition denied him and that this book will become the classic it already is."

Also recommending The Purple Fables, Psychic Literacy and Penetration. All have been re-issued/published by the Estate of Ingo Swann and more are coming.

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Checking in: I asked Ingo if there was anything he could tell me. Notes from the response. 

He said sometimes people have to be shocked in order for things to change. There were interesting activities and insights involving Owls too numerous to include here but significant after I learned he had a pet owl as a child.

He spoke of art and the form being just as important as the expression. It operates at an energetic level.

He said he missed his cigars. And that message resonated with a passage in the opening segment of the book, The Windy Song.

Main Site: Ingo Swann.

From Twitter, Estate of Ingo Swann @EstateIngoSwann: "The metaphor the furnace of the future is, of course, a nice way of referring to that allegorical “place” where the past is consumed until only its ashes remain, from which the phoenix of the future is reborn."

My response: And some species actually require fire for their seeds to sprout. Some plants, such as the lodgepole pine, Eucalyptus, and Banksia, have serotinous cones or fruits that are completely sealed with resin. REF: 5 Amazing Adaptations of Pyrophytic Plants | Britannica 

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Death is a transition. Bodies and all physical/manifest components of our reality expire. Consciousness and the Mind carry on.

Thank you for listening.
Stay curious.
Be well.