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May 26, 2020

Mind over Matter 5D, UFO, Fairies, ETs, Consciousness. Know more. Know less.

Your mind is a garden. Your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers; or you can grow weeds.” ~ Anonymous

OddsnEnds -
  • Start with Intimate Alien: The Hidden Story of the UFO, David Halperin (Stanford University Press) "Halperin’s basic premise is that, while UFOs aren’t real, UFO sightings
    inarguably are, and that’s worth studying." IndyWeek.
  • Now reconcile that with this. Alternate Perceptions magazine. Brent Raynes and Part two of the Denise Slater interview. Part one is in the April 2006 edition. Originally from Brazil, Denise is the granddaughter of famed Brazilian General Alfredo Moacyr Uchoa: "I don't believe that UFOs are real. I know they are." AP Magazine.

    An excerpt from one of the UFO close encounter stories, Denise Slater:
    We all held our hands looking up in the sky. He was in deep concentration because he was a telepathic channel. I don’t know when his telepathic channel was opened and how it was opened, so that he could communicate with them. This time they did tell us what they were doing there.

    They told him, and he would speak these words out loud for us, what they were saying to him. They said that this was a demonstration, “for these youngsters, of our presence here.” “We mean no harm. We are scientists....studying this planet. ...We wanted to show our presence for this young group for them to register that we are here, and we are here to protect the planet from man himself, because man has developed weapons of destruction that could destroy the planet.”

    We think they were referring to atomic bombs. “And we are here to observe so that would not create a systemic problem, for the solar system. If the earth blows up with these bombs built by man it will affect the solar system. It would eventually affect us.” Continue reading for an incredible account of healing. Continued at link.

    - Revisit Part one of the interview with Denise Slater. Link.

  • Fairy encounters in the 70s. Cornwall, UK. 1970s: " He had a mossy brown beard and dark brown shining eyes. He was wearing a peaked hat (brown) and a shiny jacket and trousers in shades of brown and ochre. I'd say he was about twelve to fourteen inches tall. .... Looked like a gnome, I suppose .... natural wood/leaf colors...." Interested? Continue reading at The Big Study.

The following is a film about the Global Consciousness Project by German film producer Thomas Zintl. "Dimension 5: Mind over Matter" (2005)

For more information about the Global Consciousness Project. Link.

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Consciousness is the common denominator for any and all of our experiences. So many questions to explore. Rather than why (does this happen?), a more efficient use of energy and focus is to ask how (is this possible?).

If we are working a problem and seeking answers or clues (insight in some form), the most efficient use of energy is to go with the flow. No presupposing. Unknowns require a blank slate and an intuitive allowing. Opening to creative imagery and imagination yields to the unexpected and novelty. There is the possibility to receive information/answers we could not anticipate.

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  • Interview with Jacques Vallee: "I think we’re a long way from understanding this phenomenon, and the only way we’re going to understand it is to stop talking to each other, and go back and talk to the witnesses. That’s what I wanted to do, and I wanted to do it first-hand. I wanted to be able to go to the site, meet the witnesses, and monitor what was happening over a certain period of time." Our Strange Planet.

    An experiencer he interviewed is the subject of the film Witness of Another World.
    Yet another story offering more evidence that whatever is happening in regard to UFOs, the stories are unique and require investigation and follow up beyond the initial Q & A. Experiencers are changed.
  • And then there's this. Research on DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine). "Encounters felt more "real" than reality. This was true for 81 percent of respondents during the encounter, and 65 percent after the encounter." Big Think
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How do we know what is real here? My reality has paranormal quirks and interactive nightlights each and every day. So - it might be that "reality" is different for each of us and we don't know that without asking questions. Lots of questions.

Stay curious.
Be well.