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May 22, 2020

Waiting for the light to change. UFO Red, Green, Yellow. Blue. The Calling to Heal the Heart of Earth.

"When I asked the question of why, I was given the ‘The Creation Story’ written through the animals perspective and on receiving it I remembered it’s truth. We are all the Meaning of Life." - Liz Mitten Ryan, Liz Mitten Ryan, Author, Artist and Animal Communicator. - Source, Excellence Reporter. Wisdom From the Herd, 2017, Amazon.

And we are not alone - 5/20/20. - Unseen alarm buddy.

Exhausted, having stayed up working on a project til 2a, I was still groggy and lingering with the light off when the alarm went off at 5. I felt a light grip on my left shoulder. A hand gave me a light squeeze, like a double pulse nudge. Wondering who it could be, I turned the light on. 

Then Jack began softly growling. He was looking at the clock. I got up to see if it was a cat beside the bed. No cats in the room. I was out of bed. Mission accomplished.

-- I remember that hand. Nothing to explain for now - just a song. IZ.  

OddsnEnds - 

  • "A shaman who can not heal is not a shaman. Remember this. What’s the point of disturbing the spirit world if there is no need for this. As a general rule a shaman that properly runs through himself the power of the spirits — there are shamans who know even the gods — they generally do not need to heal themselves because these energies constantly flow through them, and they are harmonious, stable. The real shaman is only that shaman who does not fear death. Who’s afraid of nothing. If you’re afraid of something then there is something that you cannot do. The shaman’s purpose is to help those who do not understand, do not know, do not know how." - Interview with a Siberian Shaman, Excellence Reporter.
  • Dead Sea Scroll Jackpot! What appeared to be blank has symbols. Phys Org. 
  • Heart Re-set - tune out political and pandemic news and restore positive vibes. Engage the productive element of nature and recover the goal of the journey. I love this film. HERD - A Spiritual Journey. Award winning film with Animal Communicator Liz Mitten Ryan. Free to watch on YouTube. Reconnecting to the natural world - sitting in awareness and communion with animals and fantastic scenery. Exploring the healing energy of horses. 
  • Will the New York Times ever stop reporting on UFOs? Wired. Noting the increase of UFO headlines rippling in my news streams, it suggests the agenda is to warm the public to the concept that VIPs are okay with admitting and allowing belief and chat regarding the topic with less effort on ridicule and public shaming, regardless of attempts to stuff the genie back in the bottle. 

Sunday show - KCMO Talk Radio 710 AM will revisit the (link:) interview with John Foster. What a challenge experiencers have had to endure, knowing what they have witnessed is advanced Sci-Fi compared to our technology and involves beings so different from us that our science has difficulty admitting they could exist.

John Foster UFOs. Well beyond dancing light dots in the sky, Johns story features multiple craft of various designs and several different types of aliens. In addition to abductions and missing time, he experienced time travel where future scenarios where shown and explanations were given as to what was required from those chosen to be included in the program.

How is it they know our future? Several of the scenarios outlined to John in the 70's and 80's are playing out now.

Fascinating. John is featured here from a 2001 presentation at the International UFO Congress.

The taboo on UFO related reporting (encounters and sightings) seems to be lifting as credible accounts from involved participants continue to filter into the headlines. Why now? Might the purpose be to ferret out more current information from present day contactees?

Taking a cue from John Foster and other experiencer accounts, it seems apparent that humans are not in charge of choosing the global date of revelation and a sort of test period is in play.

If and when evidence of UFO/ET/Interdimensional presence is considered common knowledge, it might be that we have evolved to sense/see the interlopers engaging us or that a higher court has prevailed and turned the light on. Somehow, I know my nightlights are part of that or I would not have been guided to the path I am on.

Thank you for listening!
Stay curious. 
Be well.