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May 19, 2020

Ghosts, UFOs, Paranormal, Matrix, Unexplained - reality tweaks designed to engage the curious

So what if the deck is stacked, loaded or short and some players remain unseen. Jokers are neutral (even when intimidating) and help is given to those who ask for it. Game on.

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Voices first apologized for the intrusion but said they wanted to help her. They gave information to prove their credibility. Convinced she was going mad, she consulted her doctor and a psychiatrist who prescribed meds.

Voices persisted, advised a brain scan and supplied an address to a facility. Doc said her voices were hallucinatory but did a brain scan for reassurance. Enhanced scan picked up the tumor.

Operation successful. The voices said, 'We are pleased to have helped you. Goodbye.' - Science and the Paranormal. Professor Aurthur J. Ellision.

  • Restaraunt offers Covid-19 Bumper tables. CNNAdd a "Grabber Buddy" to snag extra condiments.
  • Mystery over Magé - Videos show blue, red and yellow orbs moving around the sky, and one video shows the lights arranged in a triangular formation. Vice.
  • Trending: Online Sheep Therapy. [That could easily devolve.] Scotsman.
  • UFO vs. Starlink. How not to confuse the tech with the unexplained - inews
  • Skinwalker Ranch - Alpaca episode. Things turned ugly. Facebook group reaction.
  • Gardening - Covid-19 fueled hobby. - Best sites.
  • UFOs and Ghosts - Should Science take Ghosts and UFOs more seriously? Leslie Kean. Scientific American Blog
  • Response to above. Whatever  Falcon Lake has it all. And still ... crickets. “How much else do you want in a UFO case? There are so many supporting details that it rises far above most others. It is better than Roswell, in my honest opinion. The Canadian government admits it actually happened, and they even issued a commemorative coin for its 50th anniversary,” Rutkowski stated. Vice.
  • Messenger? Europe's biggest owl, the Eurasian eagle-owl, made a nest in a planter in front of his window - and then she hatched three giant chicks. Twitter.

UFO contact. Preston Dennett talks about the story of Stan Hughes - Native American from the Blood Tribe of Canada. In 1997 he experienced a benevolent face-to-face meeting with the Star People of Woh-Geh.

Follow Preston Dennet on Youtube.

About: Preston Dennett began researching UFOs and the paranormal in 1986. He has written
twenty-one books and more than 100 articles about UFOs and the paranormal.

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I found the opening content about the helpful voices after I wrote the following passage. Synchronicity? I prefer corroboration.

P. K. Dick had a point with the Matrix. Each and every one of us broadcasts a data stream.

As we think - that message is signaling to others we do and do not see/sense. What comes about as a result is the direct response to that information stream. If we want an improved response, we must clean up the data stream.

We are not alone – and the (grand scale) problem at this point is that we cannot imagine an engagement with those who do not register in our sight range. That makes absolutely no difference
to them as they are picking up our info/data stream (consciousness) and quite able to interfere or interject their presence with us being completely oblivious.

Expanding our awareness is the game changer. Until that becomes a priority, we are at the mercy of elements that have an advantage over us as long as we refuse to increase our ability to interact and engage our multidimensional senses.

The current - re-set moment is part of that not so gentle nudge to shift consciousness in that direction.
Nudges will be increasingly intense. Those are what is referred to as 'earth changes' and are already in motion.

Thanks for listening.
Stay curious.
Be well.