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Apr 25, 2020

Upgrading the quarantine mental scenery with New Thought, UFOs and Sasquatch ...

Light only seems to travel. It is but one more of the countless illusions caused by wave motion. Waves of the ocean seem to traverse the ocean but they only appear to do so, for waves are pistons in the universal engines, and pistons operate up and down. Wave pistons of light, or of the ocean, operate radially and spirally inward and outward, toward and away from gravity. - Walter Russell, The Secret of Light, Chapter XII

Nikola Tesla told Walter Russell to lock his cosmology in a sepulcher for a thousand years because mankind was not ready for it. Though a century or more ahead of its time, The Universal One, uniting spiritual Cause and scientifically observable Effect in a seamless whole, is now appealing to the many people—scientists and laymen alike—who are examining the nature of science and consciousness.

*ONE tiny clue that UFO 'travel' - has nothing to do with the 'speed of light'.*

OddnEnds - 
  • Take 1: Former monk says Covid-19 is 'warning from nature'. BBC.
  • Take 2: "The only way to avert such a catastrophe and assure ourselves that Earth will not become an avenger planet is to heed Mother Nature’s warning and cease the further desecration of essential ecosystems." Long read. Common Dreams.
  • Walking goldfish and chickens won't get you out of lockdown in Spain. CNN.
  • However, OBE is a 'get-out-of-lockdown-free' card. "Reddit's /R/AstralArmy is a focal point for the psychically curious to embark on out-of-body “missions” to off-limits locations, including military bases, Wuhan, the Pentagon, and supposed hives of paranormal activity like Skinwalker Ranch. Vice.
  • Lessons from a Master. Audiobook on youtube. The Power of Concentration by William Walker Atkinson. William Walker Atkinson (December 5, 1862 – November 22, 1932) was an attorney, merchant, publisher, and author, as well as an occultist and an American pioneer of the New Thought movement. Wiki.
    Also, William Walker Atkinson's Thought Vibration, or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World. Youtube. As Atkinson states through this book, the Law of Attraction posits that one should never dwell on the negative, as the "metaphysical principle of life" is embodied in a "law of attraction". In other words, you get what you think about and your thoughts determine your destiny. Or read at this google link.
  • Mind Body Healing Lessons - Warren Felt Evans: 19th-century mystic, Wounded healer, and seminal theorist-practitioner of mind cure. Read at Researchgate. - In 1869, Warren Felt Evans (1817–1889), former Methodist clergyman, published The Mental Cure in Boston, Massachusetts. Reviews on Goodreads.

# # #

May Interview coming up with Brian Bland about his experiences with Sasquatch. He has several posts on his Youtube channel that include an exchange of small gifts in the form of glyphs.

Additional background. Brian shares some of his pictures here. Blog Link.
Michael Harrell interviews Brian on Youtube. Link.

# # #

Wendy's Coffeehouse -
  • Interview: 4/26/20, Maitreya. Will he step out of the shadows and give the world new hope? Interview reconnecting with Felicity Eliot and Julian Creme. We've spoken before. Previous post.
    Image of Maitreya's hand:Link.
    Julian Crème is his son and Felicity Eliot is Chief Editor of Share International Magazine.
    Background and purpose of the group is covered in The Gathering of the Forces of Light.
    Described as "a book about UFOs, but with a difference. It is written by someone who has worked with them and knows about them from the inside. Benjamin Creme sees the presence of UFOs as planned and of immense value for the people of Earth."
  • Coming in May. Interview with Steve Colbern about Alien Implants. We touched on this with Terry Lovelace. Steve is the partner of the late Dr. Roger Leir, subject of the Documentary, Patient 17. Vice. Has anything changed in the attitude toward those who report abductions and encounters of the hostile kind? Is more research being done? Definite disconnect from the science community on this topic.
  • If you don't believe in Ghosts you won't be afraid to follow The Ghost Club. The oldest organisation in the world associated with psychical research.

Thanks for listening.
Stay curious. 
Be well.