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Apr 22, 2020

Turns out normal is less reliable than 'abnormal' .. ET, UFO, Bigfoot ... still here.

“Like the moon shining bright Up high with all its grace, I can only show you at night
And hide half of my face.” - Ana Claudia Antunes, Pierrot & Columbine

OddsnEnds -
  • Complicates UFO sighting ... "To date, there are just 360 of the planned 1500+ Starlink satellites in orbit. Another 60 go up today. Fox 19 Phoenix
  • "In the next few years, Mixed Reality Glasses will become as ubiquitous as the smartphone, and it will change the way we live and do business." Forbes.
  • "Two cats tested positive for Covid-19 after they showed respiratory symptoms. Now joining the ranks of a lion and a tiger in New York previously confirmed to be infected." CNN
  • Dog lost both her owners to Covid-19. Needs a new home. Fox 10.
  • George Washington. Historical record. “A compelling case can be made that his swift response to the smallpox epidemic and to a policy of inoculation was the most important strategic decision of his military career,” historian Joseph Ellis says. Nat Geo.
  • Videoconferencing TMI. Slate.
  • Upgrade the office web call. Llama and/or Goat for hire. CNN.
  • Earth Day message from Eagle - anyone? [evergreen post 2019] Boingboing.

Witness of Another World is available now at no charge on Amazon Prime. Exceptional documentary of an experiencer so traumatized by the event that happened when he was 12, he could not process it or lead a normal life for 4 decades.

This film is one of the few that attempts to explore the PTSD aspects of the contact enigma. Juan's life actually changed for the better when a curious documentary filmmaker interested in exploring details behind the event took it a few steps further in connecting some crucial loose ends. Bonus interview with Juan Perez.

Check out The Human Experience podcast. Episode with Hugh Newman.
Researcher, explorer, megalithomaniac.
Author of Earth Grids: The Secret Pattern of Gaia’s Sacred Sites (2008)
- Included are some of his extraordinary experiences including complete healing while deep in the underground chambers of one of the pyramids in Egypt. Until he returned to the surface. At that point, his illness resumed.

Structure of Reality - Response channeled from an alien. Download via Jay on Twitter.
Meeting the Agarthians by Daniela Del Carlo in hypnotic OBE
"There is only one parameter in the entire universe to measure improvement, and it is love. Love illuminates everything and is an absence of egocentrism, egoism, and profit. Awareness will come when there’s love and without awareness there can’t be love."

Wendy's Coffeehouse -

Scripting the Life You WantRoyce Christyn 
2 shows.
Bonus version: 1 hour - "New Thought for a New Generation."
Contemporary approach with lots of anecdotes, he shares his technique in Scripting the Life you Want and takes it a step further by exploring the science behind it, the inner workings that fuel the program.

He details his breakthrough that changed everything in Chapter 4 (Hint: Page 52-53). (Speaking from experience... Journaling for a few decades ...that hint is solid gold. I had to throw some out when I realized [light bulb 'chuckle'] they manifested!!! -- the wrong result.)

Notes: Interview with Share International coming up and got a wonderful referral to someone who is documenting his Sasquatch encounters. He talks about communicating, telepathy, interaction with glyphs and getting zapped with energy - interview coming up in May.

Thank you for listening
Stay curious. 
Be well.