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Apr 18, 2020

Image, Symbol, Design: Form and Formula. Seeding Cosmic Code - The clues are here

r-Evolution requires a leap... The spirit coach checks in. Even the unwilling and unaware, given a push, are anticipated to land on their feet. While it may have been under the radar, the preparation is simply that good. Landing upright is optional. - Intuition and Insight with The Nightlights.

OddnEnds - 

“Can we perceive those inorganic beings, don Juan?" I asked. "We certainly can," he replied. "Sorcerers do it at will. Average people do it, but they don't realize that they're doing it because they are not conscious of the existence of a twin world. When they think of a twin world, they enter into all kinds of mental masturbation, but it has never occurred to them that their fantasies have their origin in a subliminal knowledge that all of us have: that we are not alone.” - Carlos Castaneda, The Active Side of Infinity  *See footnote.
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"To live in the world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wandering about in a great library without touching the books. It has always seemed to me that symbolism should be restored to the structure of world education. The young are no longer invited to seek the hidden truths, dynamic and eternal, locked within the shapes and behavior of living beings." - Manly P. Hall Los Angeles, California October 1, 1975. The Secret Teachings of All Ages
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"We just felt a complete disassociation crouched in the darkness before this goddess. We felt, you could say, almost a sense of transcendent oneness with the being before us, and everything briefly entered a state of non-physicality. It was remarkable." - Mitch Horowitz, Reclaiming the Damned, Medium.

Included in the previous referenced story is a short tease for the upcoming Kybalion documentary. Occult Historian Mitch Horowitz explains how the world of ancient Egypt was as ancient to the Ancient Greeks and Romans as they are to us.

The Kybalion - Sneak Peek from Ronni Thomas on Vimeo.

What can we learn from the film? "Based on the 1908 occult masterpiece, The Kybalion, the film "details the 7 principles of Hermeticism and goes deeper into how alchemists, mediums, hypnotherapists and astral travelers are using these very principles in modern times."
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"What was it that made Philip K. Dick interested in precognition? It had not been a particular theme within classical science fiction nor had it been part of the books that the young Philip read during his childhood years and early teens. The answer may lie in one simple fact: Philip K. Dick himself was a “precog.”  - The Man Who Remembered the Future, Anthony Peake, New Dawn Magazine.

"I only hear the voice of the spirit when I am falling asleep or waking up. I have to be very receptive to hear it. It’s extremely faint. It sounds as though it is coming from a million miles away."

"With reference to his own precognitions, Phil wrote: This is a disturbing new view but oddly enough it coincides with my dream experiences, my precognition of events moving this way from the future; I feel them inexorably approaching, not generated from the present, but somehow already there but not yet visible. If they are somehow “there” already, and we encounter them successively (the Minkowski block universe; events are all already there but we have to encounter them successively), then this view might be a correct view of time and causality."

Reference - Anthony Peake’s book The Man Who Remembered the Future: A Life of Philip K. Dick.
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This is an interesting time. In reviewing my notes of last fall, I can see several references to the changes we are now undergoing but my insight at this point continues to push the present moment as a reset and an upgrade, purposeful, regardless of the chaos dancing in front of us on the day to day view screen.

The "Nightlights" - tell me we have no idea what we are seeing but we must see it and then the knowing will track = align. When they give me this kind of instruction, it is usually of a broader scope beyond my personal circumstances.

Of the thousands of examples I am told they could cite, I cannot take all that information in and must narrow the scope. For that, I have an assist. Ingo Swann provides an example.

"The first Kirlian photograph I saw, I was extremely astonished to view high- and low- frequency photographic results of coronal conditions that resembled almost exactly the flows, flares, and bubbles I had begun to paint nearly ten years earlier."

The inference is that we are seeing something without any idea of what value it represents because it does not yet exist in our data bank. Consequently, an anomaly can be 'identified' and at the same time mislabeled under a false category because we have allowed the label to serve as a definition. Identity has yet to be revealed.

Since my insight includes a source that projects information telepathically, I continue to seek out resources and individuals to support and encourage investigation of that interaction. Recent insight suggests we are living in an extraordinary time and revelations are coming.

Still available on Ingo Swann's main site: Superpowers of the Human Biomind. 1372 pages. Download. Suggest Human vs ET Superpowers, Part Two, Page 634.
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- Eternal -


Beyond knowing - the greater challenge is to remember.
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*Footnote:  Regarding Castaneda and seeing an anomaly before knowing what it is. Sitting on the couch, I witnessed, out of the corner of my eye, something feathery and white, flitting in the air beside me. At the bookstore soon after, I grabbed a recent Castaneda book for my husband because he was a fan. I had not been as impressed.

He wasn't interested at that moment so I read the page the book opened to and there was the exact  reference and description of the candle-like flitting, feathery thing I had just seen. I read more Castaneda.