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Apr 13, 2020

Cathryn McIntyre Interview - The Thoreau Whisperer: Natural and Supernatural walk hand in hand...

“I find it wholesome to be alone the greater part of the time. To be in company, even with the best, is soon wearisome and dissipating. I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.” - Henry David Thoreau, Walden, Goodreads

"If you are ready for a trip through the looking glass... ... then you just might be ready to read a book like this." - A True Story by Cathryn McIntyre, The Thoreau Whisperer Website and Amazon Book Link

Ghosts, ETs, Fairies, Sasquatch ... Some people see the stuff happening alongside the physical plane and that's where things get interesting. We are surrounded by natural and supernatural wonders each and every day. Cathryn is one who sees and she includes that perspective as she channels the spirit of Henry David Thoreau in her book, The Thoreau Whisperer.

Preview on Amazon
There are two versions of this interview - given one had to be edited for the segment on KCMO and our Bigfoot conversation happened at the end.

Link - Radio Broadcast Version 39 minutes.
Link - Podcast 54 minutes.

What we do cover in both: UFO/alien abduction, contact with the deceased and a dream involving Cathryn's cat sharing a treasured moment with her in the dream state ... eating cat food.

Not the dreamy you are looking for.

The Thoreau Whisperer is timely in offering alternative perspective insight and a vivid glimpse into an author who celebrated - in the very essence of presence - the meta scene so often overlooked or deemed inconsequential when one is obsessed with possessions and an endless parade of projects. 

The eternal thrives amongst plants, trees, animals, insects, atmosphere dappled with seasons. Embellished natural world harmony and contrast makes it so much more apparent that it is a choice to highlight and elevate the superficial human affliction for chaos and drama - while all that has come before and will endure beyond - offers timeless illumination - disguised as nature.

From the beginning:
"Cathryn McIntyre had just moved to Massachusetts in 1984 when she first encountered a spirit during a psychic reading at a home near Walden Pond who said he wanted to work with her. It would be decades before she would understand who that spirit was and why it was that she had always felt so drawn to the Boston area and to Concord in particular." 

I'll let her fill you in on all that transpired in between.

And then, it happened: 
"On a Sunday in November of 2006, McIntyre's connection with Thoreau began with the words, "I am born, David Henry Thoreau, in this American town, in this place called Concord."

The ball is now in your court: The Thoreau Whisperer: Channeling the Spirit of Henry David Thoreau.

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Upcoming Interview: Royce Christyn, Scripting the Life You Want. 

Excerpt: Seven. Perception and Reality.
"Scripting allows us to interact with someone--ourselves--and alter the reality of our world. Ever since I discovered the correct way to script, I have been searching for what it uses to operate or how it works. As discoveries in science and technology are made, I am always fascinated to see if they can help explain how seemingly otherworldly tools like scripting operate."
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Stay Curious.
Be well.

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