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Apr 12, 2020

New Normals, Pets, Paranormal Entertainment and Eats; Gerbil Art, UFOs and Choc Chip Cookies

“Right now I’m having amnesia and déjà vu at the same time. I think I’ve forgotten this before.” - Steven Wright, Goodreads quotes.

OddsnEnds - 
  • UFO sightings increasing? Unidentified Ariel Phenomena on Youtube recently posted a pilot sighting near Monterrey, Nuevo Leon on March 28, 2020. Source: MUFON
    Video with Pilots talking about what they are seeing.
  • Check out another blog tracking sightings. Trueblog.
  • Social Distancing effect demonstrated in one brilliant visual. Twisted Sifter.
  • When face masks are a wardrobe essential -  cleaning tips are needed. MSN.
  • Fine Art for Gerbils [Image] Quarantine edition. Newsweek
  • Soundtrack for Dogs. 8 hours NOT MUSIC  for Dogs (and possibly Cats). YouTube.
  • Survival of the adaptable. Evolution: Lizard science. CNN.
  • British primatologist and scientist Jane Goodall blamed human behavior for the coronavirus pandemic, calling it "our disregard for nature," according to Agence France-Presse. "Because as we destroy, let's say the forest, the different species of animals in the forest are forced into a proximity and therefore diseases are being passed from one animal to another, and that second animal is then most likely to infect humans as it is forced into closer contact with humans," she said. The Hill.
  • Dan Aykroyd's first script for Ghostbusters was completely different - set in the future with interdimensional and off planet travel. "The last thing to be scrapped from Aykroyd's original draft was the ending, which saw the ghost hunters being taken away to different dimensions." TheThings
  • Update on Ghostbusters: Afterlife. Release date has shifted from July 2020 to March 5, 2021. IGN. Trailer: Main Site Ghostbusters.
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History Channel is airing The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch. Season one Preview Link.
Jeremy Corbell's earlier film offers additional insight behind the phenom.

Recently posted, an extended interview from the film Hunt for the Skinwalker.

David Paulides
has posted a 4th installment highlighting Skinwalker Ranch on his youtube channel. Link. Addressing illnesses on the ranch and a Shaman perspective.
He also references Ufologist Bruce Macabee. Info on Bruce.
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Rediscovering the Kitchen? Don't know about you but lockdown has definitely changed our menu. Experimenting with rice and beans. Not so bad. Lots of potatoes, onions and soup.

Definitely time to branch out without getting complicated.

  • Bookmarked Pizza- in-an-ice-cube-tray. Appx. 13 minutes into the video. YouTube.
  • Netflix Awesome! Freestyle baking with abandon ... who wants cake? Nailed It! 
  • BIG Thank you -Doubletree Hotel released their milk enhancing Choc Chip Cookie recipe. Freeze leftover cookie dough for later batches. Enjoy! USA Today

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Food for thought: We are all doing our best to adjust to a new normal, knowing the old normal might not be an option going forward.

via John E. L. Tenney on Twitter
Yet, our unknown/unexplained remains the same unknown/unexplained ever-constant in a world of chaos.Maybe it wasn't clear enough just how normal the unknown/unexplained is. 

Nothing here is what it seems. 
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Recommend watching Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton/trailer.
Home site for the film: TravisWaltontheMovie, available on ebay.

Recommend reading John Foster UFOs. Blog.
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Stay curious. Be well.

Posting the podcast home quarantine version (longer interviews). 
Thank you for listening!