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Apr 4, 2020

Guest Blog - Healing through Past Life Memories, Meet Your Karma: Shelley A. Kaehr, Ph.D.

Just as a camera can catch a moment in time on film, or a video captures movement and action, so is it with the Akasha … we leave traces in time and space, in the aethers. Consciously or not, when perceiving past lives we are looking back into time, and finding the records on the Akasha. Time. And Space.” - Stephen Poplin, M.A., CHT. Inner Journeys, Cosmic Sojourns: Life transforming stories, adventures and messages from a spiritual hypnotherapist's casebook, Goodreads

Meet Your Karma: The Healing Power of Past Life Memories
By Shelley A. Kaehr, Ph.D.

My latest book Meet Your Karma: The Healing Power of Past Life Memories features case histories of people who discovered their current life struggles with depression, trauma and anxiety were actually tied to past lives. Over the course of the past twenty years, I’ve seen repeatedly that while we might have endured hardships in our current incarnations, when we have trouble moving past certain conditions and emotions, a past life is often the root cause.
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Recently, a client came to see me to help with her desire to stop smoking. I consider smoking a very challenging situation because many people want to quit for the wrong reasons – for others, rather than themselves. When someone makes the decision to stop for themselves, however, hypnosis really works.

My client gave me a heartfelt explanation of her sincere desire to stop but mentioned that something kept stopping her. During her regression, I asked her to return to the real source event of where her love of smoking began and to our surprise, she zipped back to a very early life in prehistoric times.

She saw herself near the smoke of her fire, enjoying the smell. “What does that fire represent to you?” I asked. “Safety. Life,” she said, without hesitation.

Further discussion revealed that on a soul level, this woman truly perceived fire to be equivalent to life because in ancient times, the fire meant many things – you kept warm, you warded off predators, you could cook your food which was a real luxury. No wonder she couldn’t stop smoking! 

After her talking through this revelation with her angelic guide and coming to a soul understanding that she no longer needed to hang on to the old belief that fire equals life, she released that stuck energy and moved forward. After the session, she said she felt much better.

Since this happened quite recently, I will be more than excited to hear from her again down the road to see how this helped, which I hope it did. Her story is so similar to the case histories in Meet Your Karma. All of them showcase people who went into former lives where fear was at the core of the decision making.

In modern society, we’ve all learned to fear a variety of things – fear of rejection, social isolation and the like, but in reality, those kinds of situations, while painful, are not actually going to kill us and end our existence. The majority of the cases where people struggled with anxiety, depression and trauma involved serious life and death situations that needed to be cleared so the client could feel safe in the now. By so doing, healing and relief happened.

Using my RELIEF Method for anxiety, clients are able to release the ties to the past, change the frequency of unwanted situations and lighten and brighten previously challenging events so they can move forward without fear, but with empowerment to live happier and more peaceful lives.

Meet Your Karma includes the RELIEF Method processes readers can try for themselves and hopefully release unwanted influences from the past to create a brighter future.
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Shelley A. Kaehr, Ph.D. is known throughout the world as one of the leading authorities on energy healing and mind-body medicine. Her work has been endorsed by Dr. Brian Weiss, who called her regression method, “An important contribution to the field of regression therapy.”

Shelley believes memories are stored holographically within the energy fields in and around the body so by combining hypnosis and energy work, lasting change is achieved. She developed the new Edgar Cayce’s Egyptian Energy Healing (ECEEH) method and several other energy healing techniques during her twenty years in the field.

Visit Shelley online:
Follow on Instagram: shelleykaehr
Twitter: @ShelleyKaehr
Shelley's Blog: What Stones Can I Use for Stress Relief?

Wendy's Coffeehouse - Interview with Shelley Kaehr - Parallel Universes.

Stay curious. Be well.