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Mar 27, 2020

SciX Friday - "The Universe of Scotch and Häagen Dazs" = Multiverse options have a downside ... you knew that, right? Plus links and luck.

"Originally, the burden of proof was on physicists to prove that time travel was possible. Now the burden of proof is on physicists to prove there must be a law forbidding time travel." - Michio Kaku,
 Time Travel/BrainyQuotes.

OddsnEnds - 
  • Princeton studied introverts and loners and it's all good. "Researchers write that loners are “critical to understanding collective and social behaviors” across the animal kingdom."
    For example, if a pandemic of a coronavirus called, say, COVID-19, hit a species, the introverted shut-ins who stayed alone in their homes until they received vaccines would have a 100% survival rate. Their antisocial tendencies would make them invulnerable to the group threat. - Fast Company
  • Boldly going when the PSI link kicks in. A Neuroscientist's take on synthetic telepathy, electrified ESP, and mind control. BoingBoing.
    [About that mind control from one who's been there. Interview with Paul Davids ... who volunteered for the project at Princeton. Life upheaved. Listen at Wendy's Coffeehouse.]
  • Gas Bomb Cliffhanger - NASA scientists mining decades-old data from the Voyager 2 spacecraft discovered something appeared to have been sucking Uranus’ atmosphere out into space. [1986 data] Trouble is, they can't know more without another probe ... Futurism.

Amabie drawing by Mathew Meyer
Live long and prosper -- Aging well and re-crafted for active duty. Meet Amabie.

The 19th century Healing Spirit from Japan is here to assist. This spirit - energy - entity is believed to ward off Epidemics.

...fingers crossed and sharing. Images are popping up
in various forms all over the web - meant to offer hope and luck and reassurance. All will be well.

Background: Atlas Obscura.

More background and artwork on ThisisColossal.
Adorable felt version. Instagram.

Artwork by Mathew Meyer doubles as a coloring page.
He runs a database of Japanese Folklore. 

You can support his work on Patreon

Thank you, Amabie. 

  • Nature Livestreams .. Atlas Obscura links. Get outside without getting out ... (no fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, sunburn, poison ivy .. snakes .. okay with that - and opening a window).
  • Work from home w/video? Enjoy the pitch for the not so perfect Zoom. Fast Company.  Jammies and tees are just fine in radio. Life lessons paid off. 
  • Rough day saved by "The Best Wrong Number Text ever." Neatorama via The Dodo.

Sci-Fi Short Film "The Universe of Scotch and Häagen Dazs" ... strange offers in the night ...

Subscribe and watch more sci-fi shorts on DUST.
"The Universe of Scotch and Häagen Dazs" by Jonathan Ross

My personal 'Consciousness Search Archives' = Outside the box ... delivered a fun
Time Out from Earth in the 2018, Wu-Tang Clan video.

To sum up: To the question,”How can I further ascend my consciousness?”
GZA lays it out simply: “Read more. Study more. Learn more. And continue to ask questions.” Ghostface adds, “Listen to more Wu.”
Answer received, enlightenment achieved. Fast Company

About the Wu-Tang Clan TV Miniseries.- America Magazine.
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"Results are not to be looked for in a moment, for you cannot sow and reap at the same time." - Psychic Medium Eileen Garrett.

Ingo Swann referred to her ability in the recent book, Preserving the Psychic Child -- new work coming from her archives ... according to this recent post. Parapsychology Foundation. I recently bought and am reading (along with several others) Adventures in the Supernormal.
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Quiet time - Animal Communication

Nap ... half asleep .. hear a meow (My cat Stormy has a very soft and high pitched voice).

Sounds like he is nearby but I don't see him. I go to look outside on the porch. Sitting on the patio table - he is waiting and watching the door. He wanted in. Bob too.

Darting inside, I notice Stormy immediately parks himself at the foot of the bed where my feet had been - a thank you and an acknowledgement we are connected. This is the second time he has managed this subtle maneuver.

In the downtime, I am more receptive to his call and he is demonstrating he knows how to reach me.

Brilliant reinforcement for the beliefs in this classic work, Kinship with All Life, by J. Allen. Boone.
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Note on the show calendar for Wendy's Coffeehouse - 

My interview schedule is shifting and may not reflect what I have posted - but I will keep you updated here. Times are a bit chaotic, requiring me to rearrange and adjust to new schedules and work routines. My guides and the nightlights are ever present. Extraordinary time(s) we are living.

Be well and Stay curious!