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Mar 10, 2020

Margie Thompson said one Psychic gave an outstanding confirmation of her connection to her son ... web extra interview, and the usual mix of odd links...

“A spiritually evolved person in a former lifetime could choose to have the experiences of spiritual blindness in this lifetime, just to act as a catalyst for someone like you who needed to be more articulate about what you had come to realize.” - Shirley MacLaine, Dancing in the Light

OddsnEnds - 
  • Blind Justice. Owner noticed car removed from impound, activated remote lock. 3 hours later, officers who "borrowed" car were freed. The Mind Unleashed.
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    International Remote Viewing Association Conference. Moved to later this year. Details IRVA.
    Kansas City Mysteries of the Universe Conference. Follow for update. OZ UFO.
  • Coronavirus. Does the mask work? Depends on the mask. (Updated 3.5.20) Live Science.
  • Nessie gets a mask ... and beer. Source.
  • Coronavirus COVID 19 world map - real time numbers. Johns Hopkins University Link.
  • Follow for info on the upcoming granddaddy of all UFO events 33rd Annual Ozark Mountain UFO Conference in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. April 10-12, still on (3/10/20). Link.
    I'll post a pre-conference interview with presenter Terry Lovelace, author of Incident at Devil's Den.


Heads up on the longer form interview in the podcast archives. One hour with Margie Thompson,  sharing her story to help others who have lost a loved one to Suicide. Link.

Finding Color in the Darkness. Goodreads reviews.

Signs were there, painfully obvious in retrospect. Depression and Bipolar Disorders are still difficult to diagnose and challenging to treat.

Margie is advocating for better awareness and improved treatment options for children and teenagers who might sometimes be included in programs designed for an adult population.

After the grief subsides, the soul connection strengthens - but the physical loss requires an adjustment. As Margie's focus now is increasing awareness to consider treatment of mental health issues just as important as physical medical conditions, her son John remains an important influence.

That connection is worth exploring and even now - a work in progress.
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We continued talking after the interview and Margie told me about an incredible consultation with a Psychic who gave her proof of contact that defies explanation.

She booked an appointment a year in advance on the recommendation from a friend. Curious, she found a Facebook live event that had been given in December. She was watching in February.

Specifics given by the Psychic included the name "John"
and significant (to Margie and John) dates. Also apparent the deceased was determined to connect at that moment.

Even better, when Margie finally connected for a reading, the Psychic asked if this was a repeat session. Margie said it wasn't.

Then the Psychic said, "Oh, I remember, I've met your son John."

John is present on this page - in the book cover. It would seem their contract is set to continue, bridging corporeal separation while showing tremendous potential to grow the soul beyond the seeming divide. Heart links are unbreakable.

Connect: Margie Thompson on Facebook.

Support Info - 
1/World Health Organization: Suicide is the third leading cause of death in 15-19-year-olds.
2/Mental Health Awareness - US Department of Health and Human Services. Link.
3/National Institute of Mental Health. Link.

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Stay curious.