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Mar 5, 2020

"Extra Ordinary"/campy-para-comedy, Mad Mike, Wormholes, Llama delivered, Alienstock 2, Ghosts ... new studio welcome

My dad taught me differently. He'd say, 'Don't expect struggle. Expect ease and fluidity.' There's nothing magic about it. You have to put in the work, but you would think everyone would take it as seriously as I do." - Barry Zito, Former Pro Baseball Player. Stats.

"As you believe, you will receive." - Barry Zito's Dad. ESPN

OddsnEnds -

  • Quantum Teleporter based on Black Holes turns it into a wormhole. Futurism.
  • Earth as Water World. Space. Ancient, ancient history.
  • Flat Earther, Mad Mike Hughes last ride. Link. Follow up on the cause. Back-up chutes not deployed. TMZ.
  • SpaceX plans to send up to four private citizens into space to take a trip around Earth sometime at the end of 2021 or in early 2022. Price unavailable. Verge 
  • Sci-Fi (Alien?) inspired. Liquid metal robots - "The material is hardy enough to be reused “eight times without evident loss in function” by folding it like origami or forcing it into a shape." Futurism.
  • Alienstock take 2. Storms a brewin' in Nevada. Mysterious Universe. Sept. 10-12. Link.
  • Finland. UFOs in pictures (and stories). The Guardian.
  • Pet snake ate beach towel. The whole thing. Snake and towel are fine. The Dodo
  • Promise kept. Llama at wedding. Thanks Bro! Buzzfeed.

"Extra Ordinary": Campy, Para-Comedy - Rated R. Now playing (KC) Alamo Drafthouse (Okay - looks fun - ghosts ARE everywhere - probably won't see it till it hits rental. Bookmarking here to REMEMBER for future rental.) Preview trailer.


Rotten Tomatoes Fresh
Critics Consensus: A horror/rom-com hybrid that somehow manages to blend its ingredients without losing their flavor, Extra Ordinary more than lives up to its title.

Extra Ordinary: Robert Butler review. ButlerCinemaScene.

Wendy's Coffeehouse -

*Relocated, KCMO Talk Radio 710 AM. Tap dancing. Interview schedule is wonky. Finally invested in a podcast unit to keep up with interviews.

  • On air this weekend, 3/8/20, 8 p central time. Replay. Former NASA Astronomer Marian Rudnyk. Intersect. Huge skeptic when he first encountered UFO Researcher Stanton Friedman. Then he saw - photographed UFOs and needed to 'reformat his hard drive', as it were. UFOs are REAL? Other unanticipated challenges include encounters with MIBs and military fly-bys. Previous blog post.
  • 3/8/20 Podcast Archives. New interviewPSI Extra - Margie Thompson, 1 hour, no commercials. Finding Color in the Darkness, Losing a son and finding a new path.

    Nothing can prepare you for the loss of a loved one. Self doubt, second guessing and self blame are all part of the story. In trying to come to terms with her son John's death, Margie saw several psychics. While some were able to make a connection, one offered incredible validation. A friend suggested a popular medium but she was booked. The alternative was her niece. Also said to be very gifted.

    Margie booked an appointment a year out - questioning herself but curious. She discovered a previous Facebook live event with that Medium. Tired, ready to sign off, the Medium was bothered and said she needed to relay a message. Someone named John. Date and clues for Margie. Recorded in December. Margie saw it February. Subsequent interview. The Medium asked if they had met before because something familiar. Margie said no.

    Then, the Medium smiled and said, "Oh, that's it. I met your son John."

*3/5/20 - First morning doing traffic at the new studio. Engineers wrapping up. No clue how to operate TV. Someone pre-set Travel ChannelGhost Adventures previews. I don't have cable. Totally caught up with Zak and the gang ... everywhere a demon. 

I like my studio. Avoid Demon influence. Don't text and drive. Life is good.