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Feb 14, 2020

Ascension narratives with P.K. Dick, T. McKenna, G. Braden and Sci-Fi Short Film: Cupid's Paradise

“The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them.” - Philip K. Dick

OddsnEnds ---
  • Mystery. Pinged from deep space in 16 day cycles. Hello? Vice.
  • NO idea. Beached bones. Inverness-Courier.
  • KC Sighting - UFO - estimated to be 100' in length. Flying low in the sky from North to South very slowly. Multiple bright white lights and one red light. Shiny silver color. February 6, 2020. More information: Contact Assistant State Director Margie Kay, Missouri MUFON.
  • Interesting. Documents released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) show the campaign for “Independence Day: Resurgence” was pursued to blend fiction and reality, boost recruitment, and alter the public’s perception of the Army. Source.
  • Fascinating. Light Beings. An experiencer shared his post on YouTube.
  • FYI. Breaking a Curse. Astonishing Legends.
  • Back in action. Honey, I Shrunk the Kids... next gen. Rick Moranis. Deadline.
  • Past-life Firefighter? 5 year old Hero saved sister. Returned to save their dog. CNN.
    (Thank you, Wendy Rose Williams Past Life Regression Interview.)

Cupid's Paradise. In a world where everyone is rated based on superficial factors, Jenn has 100 dates to find a match before she becomes Cupid's slave.

Cupid's Paradise by Ivy Liao
Main site. Link.
Subscribe and watch more sci-fi shorts on DUST

The trigger: Ancient Hopi Rock Prophecy with Gregg Braden. Not so much for the narrative, rather the image and the path mapped on the rock. Gregg offers the interpretation but there are other potential overlays, given the image is symbolic and each soul has the ability to read the code as indicated for the individual without trying to extrapolate to a mass overview.

Two paths can be viewed as Duality, as all-is-one, above, below, physical, non-physical. The shifts as imprinted represent a shamanic journey and the challenge to ascend while on the path... multidimensional awareness. The message about the future is a directive - and a nudge honoring inner wisdom on the eternal path.

Segue to the writings and the life challenges of Philip K. Dick relating to a post I bookmarked earlier in the day while checking out Whitley Strieber's site. Reading his newest book, A New World. And one more rabbit hole detour courtesy of Whitley: Alien Video. Focus is the message rather than the visual aid (ET).

I intended to post a PKD quote (and I did) but when Terence popped up I detoured to explore the route of the ascending shaman. The comparison of levels of consciousness to magical trees struck a chord and echoed a recent conversation (synchronicity) and resonated with the Hopi content.

Terence McKenna as Magician. Paraphrasing: Cosmos is a series of levels and these levels are connected by vertical routes of access, which can be thought of as simply flights through space or magical trees or magical ladders. Anyway, there's an image of ascent. And ordinary people exist on only one of these levels but a shaman is not an ordinary person. A shaman is a super human person who has the power of animal allies behind them and they can go up and down in these elevators that move between levels and they can therefore recover lost souls... (continued in linked video)

Mathematical model of Shamanism - They are able to project their consciousness into a higher dimension. The progress of organic life is deeper and deeper into dimensional conquest. From that view then, the shaman begin to look like the advance guard of a new kind of human being - a human being that is as advanced over where we are as we are advanced over people a million years ago because we have very elaborate strategies for coding the past. It's a dimensional conquest. - Decondition Yourself from the Lie of History, Terence McKenna, YouTube.

Wendy's Coffeehouse Guests
Feb 16 - Dr. Kac Young - Essential Oils for Beginners. PK twist: Cheese Dome power.
Feb 23 - Jiulio Consiglio - The Healing Frequency. STE insight, Life changing mind expansion.
March 1 - Maitreya, the enigma. Appearance in 2020?

Thank you for listening. 
Stay curious.