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Jan 17, 2020

Sci-Fi Short Film: 'Nikola Tesla and the End of the World' .. Animal Speak, Moon Dust, UFO, Haunted Doll, Momo/Bigfoot links.

"We are all one. Only egos, beliefs, and fears separate us." - Nikola Tesla.

OddsnEnds - 
  • Tales of the curious Haunted Elsa Doll. Vice.
  • Family who had doll shipped it out to a friend, saying they're done with it. Daily Mail.
  • That guy now has doll strapped to the hood of his jeep. Twitter.
  • Zak Baggans in pursuit. Twitter.
  • Science forward. Oxygen from Moon Dust. Researchers expected to have a working model ready mid 2020s. Gizmodo.
  • For your consideration: The Psychic Internet Theory, referenced in the book Paranormal Encounters on Britain's Roads by Peter McCue. (Relating to personal experience, I would suggest the possibility that, rather than the source/creator of the event, certain humans offer receptor/generator energy, allowing manifestation produced by a non-local/external source.) Marcus Lowth offers his perspective. UFO Insight.
  • Echoing results from other animal studies, new research details how Cows talk to each other. Independent. Ms. Green said she hoped her research would help farmers “tune into the emotional state of their cattle, improving animal welfare”. Similar results have been found in studies of Whales, Elephants, Birds and others. Independent.
  • “Clearly, animals know more than we think, and think a great deal more than we know.” - Irene Pepperberg, Alex Foundation, Life with Alex, Movie.
  • From the world of Bizarro Comics - Cat on a keyboard: password magician.

Sci-Fi Short Film - "Nikola Tesla and the End of the World" second season streaming on Amazon Prime. The first short film vids are on YouTube.

 Hooked from episode 1.


If you're skipping the vid - here's the intro: When physicist Sophie Clarke builds a strange machine from long-lost scientific plans she unwittingly transports Nikola Tesla to modern-day London. Uh, oh. He isn't the only one. It gets complicated, fast. The fun is seeing the complications continue to build and continue in Season 2. Main site. Tesla Series.

Related entertainment -

  • Project Blue Book Season 2 - January 21. History.
  • A little closer to home for the Missouri cryptic fans. (Sasquatch/Bigfoot) Momo, The Missouri Monster. Vice.
  • Bummed when The Librarians ended at Season 4. Reliving the magic on DVD. Package Deal. Creator Dean Devlin is teasing a possibility of more Librarian fun. Suggesting something might appear here (where there appear to be a few other interesting candidates to segue to.): Electric Entertainment. Follow Dean on Twitter.
  • "Just you and me - aliens of the universe. I think you'd like me. I think you'd want to be my friend." : Troop Zero, Amazon Prime.

Thank you for listening! 
Stay curious.