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Jan 5, 2020

Alien Influence? John Foster's Epic Contactee experience suggests humans are being groomed for upcoming events - whether they know it or not.

"Once we can perceive the limitless possibilities of an eternal, infinite universe, we can began to develop the talents it might take in order to function beyond the physical, beyond the infancy state of who we are. Yet, as above, we cannot do this alone, it takes some kind of outside force or power to provide us a growth stimulus." - John Foster, excerpt from the book To Earth From Heaven, Chapter 13 - The Holographic Universe

John Foster mapped out his story in 3 books, encounters that occurred from early childhood (and very likely birth) to age 48 in 1986, when John says he and the ETs had a "parting of the ways."

Now in his 80's, my interview with John is forthcoming. 
Image Credit: John Foster
(used with permission)  

John is one of the few experiencers who has incredible detailed recall of his decades of encounters and also been able to corroborate his interactions with other contactees who were undergoing the same events and remembered being with him.

Laid out in his books and on his website, his extraordinary account includes drawings of the ships and the beings and the instructions he underwent as part of a long-term program in which he was shown potential future events - some of which are playing out now.

In John's decades of contact/experience, there are many examples of the beings with whom he was engaged trying to educate and inform and, in some fashion, incentivize him to aspire to greater awareness.

If that activity is but a tiny glimpse of a larger game afoot, involving multiple others, we are under the influence of beings who choose to keep their presence clandestine and their ultimate goal undisclosed, all the while knowing so much about us humans they can accurately foreshadow each and every move before we make it.

And to be quite clear about this: they can choose who they wish to allow first-hand knowledge of their presence. Seeing is not a given, thus the challenge for anyone trying to "prove" they had an encounter. Certain few can see. Others cannot. 

Even so, in reading John's material, it would seem these behind-the-scenes influencers draw the line at forcing compliance. (And that has been my own experience.) While knowing our ultimate choice, it seems there is appreciation for the education that comes in allowing us to fully experience the impact of our choice and the resulting embodiment we manifest as we pass, fail, sink, swim, fly on our own accord.

Previews available on Amazon
As mentioned before, information John was given about future events panned out in many respects - but not in every case. Whatever scenario is yet to unfold, the reality exists, extraordinary unknowns are an active presence among us.

What wonders are yet to come? Who among us is awake enough to see them? What can we learn from their story?

John references Michael Talbot and The Holographic Universe:

"The holographic universe concept indicates our so-called physical world is nothing more than a small integral part of an eternal, infinite world we don’t yet understand."

It would seem that eternal, infinite world is attempting to develop the necessary language/symbols/patterns/code to reach out to us in a way that challenges us to expand our awareness, consciousness, intellect and upgrade our knowing: to evolve. In some cases it might be pleasant. Not so much in others.

How to wake a sleeping giant? Desire? Curiosity? Aliens.

Apparently, UFOs are part of the equation and the intelligence behind them knows the answer. They are (and all along have been) playing their part. And they are not alone. Brilliant!

*Thank you to the friend who sent me this info on Nebraska UFOs - sighting dated 1897. PDF.