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Oct 15, 2016

10/15/2016 - The Haunting of Asylum 49 - Richard Estep/Cami Anderson

"We dance round in a ring and suppose,
But the Secret sits in the middle and knows." - Robert Frost

  • Winchester Mystery House new - a secret room (video) includes a pump organ and sewing machine. Details. MNN
  • ET/UFO news: 1/Wikileaks Podesta/Clinton - inquiring minds find UFO stuff in a recent info dump  2/Iraq's Transportation Minister says some very interesting stuff, "airport built for aliens" 5,000 years ago. DailyMail
  • 25 unpublished Dead Sea Scrolls now available in two new books. NewHistorian
  • Fantastic race to create an Avatar: 22M prize. Results unveiled at the 2022 Annual Avatar Games. Details: Avatar XPrise   

Conquer the Goldfish
Image credit/BBEVS
Believe it or Not:
Goldfish swallows rock.
Operation removes rock. ($500)
Goldfish all better. CBS News

Thank you!!
Brisbane Bird and Exotics Veterinar
y Services on Facebook

  • Perfect for this show's theme of hospital hauntings. Nursing student in AZ says she snapped a pic to show her supervisor her finished work and discovered the outline of a boy appeared in the image. Fox10  Real and/or unreal, the sighting is coincidentally timely.

Wendy's Coffeehouse Podcast/Asylum 49 - podcast link here is poor quality - a very good example of ghosts in the machine. 

Takes a unique personality to balance the quirky lifestyle of living with spirits and unexplained with a day job. Cami Anderson and her husband Kimm signed on for that challenge when they bought an old hospital in Utah with the intention of transforming it into a haunted house attraction.

The real deal.
Joined by Paranormal Investigator Richard Estep, who also manages that lifestyle balancing act, the stories about the haunts behind the manufactured spooky of Asylum 49 are the real deal and some are the stuff of real nightmares.

In promoting the show, I made sure to reference room 666 (facebook pic on Cami's page) and I tossed that out as "coming up" while interviewing Richard and Cami. However, the mechanical hi-jinx indicated a redirect.
Sassy enough already. 

An interesting side note: Kansas City is home to the oldest Haunted House Attraction in the US. In operation for over 4 decades and considered the Granddaddy of haunts, also noted for some questionable paranormal elements but not to the extent of Asylum 49. Check last week's Podcast with Margie Kay and Amber

Edge of Hell: "sits at 666 feet above sea level,  oldest running commercial haunted house in the U.S. est. 1975, focused on phobias, home to the record-breaking reticulated python." FullMoonProd 

Note all the interesting connecting dots throughout this segment and post and then follow up with the rest of the story. Read The Haunting of Asylum 49

From the sound of it, book two should be out about this time next year. Richard is going back with the team for Round Two this Halloween night. Suspect the ghosts are ramping up.

Road trip? Do your homework. Here's the Site: Asylum 49.

Links - 
Boulder County Paranormal
Asylum 49 reviews on Yelp
Full Moon Super Moon Reading Mystic Mamma 
Earth Sky Moon info
Just in time for the Ghost walk/dinner in Weston, MO (SoldOut) 

Backstory for today's show -

First things first, Ghosts and non-corporeals really don't bother with whether you believe. When they show up, count on a short list of electrical issues and computer/tech quirks, malfunctions. Know there will be inadvertent emotional discombobulation and then allow for an added dose of inexplicable. Game ON!

(Full Moon) Today - the ghosts in the machine took center stage. Scenes of the flotsam from behind the mic:
  1. Producer Mark indicated a problem with the audio and was trying to sort that out to activate and engage the channels for sound elements. Audio fired and it was garbled. (First time I have heard that in digital mode.) Old school, when we worked with carts, that garbled, sped up sound would have indicated tape burn or meltdown in the cart machine.
  2. Notably, much of the KCMO daily programming show promos were flushed as was the log.
  3. Commercial break entertainment began with Coffeehouse Promos for the next paranormal show (Campfire with Jim Harold) repeating back-to-back, four times.
  4. Sidelined Bernard Beitman/Coincidence promo returned to the lineup. (He's the one who says there is no such thing as coincidence.) Nice touch. Here's that show: Connecting with Coincidence. 
  5. In perfect timing, at the end of the news segment, the audio element that garbled and choked at the intro voluntarily performed with no problem.
  6. Producer Mark was not amused.
  7. And then, the dead air alarm kicked in for another station at about 6:50 and could not be addressed until 7:00. 
Chalk it up to operator error and/or some fantastically intricate, mechanically relevant/irrelevant engineering anomaly or b: Go with the flow and note the details in how it plays out.

End of Act One. Entirely amused and entertained with that portion of the show, no doubt the unseen cameo cast took a bow somewhere in the wings.

Even if I am the only one who is aware of the full extent of the circus behind the scenes, I do find it incredibly fascinating - that connecting of the paranormal dots. Bravo!! Now, on to the next show!

Oct 8, 2016

10/8/16 - Margie Kay, ETs, Ghosts and a world famous snake, Oh MY!

"And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting
On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door.
And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming,
And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor:
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted—nevermore!"  - Edgar Allan Poe

Headlines - Unexplained, Trending, Etc ... highlights

  • Big white light UFO on patrol over the city of Moscow in Russia said to be a frequent visitor - Express
  • Blue Book in the works - alien themed drama being readied for the History Channel
  • Bigfoot on Eagle Cam. Huffpost 
  • Crocodile Flip Flop offense/defense worked this time. Youtube EuroNews
  • Trending The Chuck E. Cheese Mele (most recent). Someone made a face at someone else triggering other faces being made, upgrading to hair pulling and smacking. Authorities were called as children fled the scene. 

  • The Angel who saved Baby Lily - Dr. OZ  Police on the scene heard a woman's voice calling for help from a submerged car. Officer Tyler Beddoes describes what he heard and saw that day at the accident scene. Unforgettable. Fourteen hours in cold water, Lily has no residual health issues. His story and others are in the book: Proof of Angels

Podcast: 10/08/16 Margie Kay and Amber Arnett Bequeaith

Halloween plans still up in the air? Join local/Kansas City paranormal/UFO expert Margie Kay for an evening of live spooky ambiance at the haunted Ginger Rogers house: Ghost Hunting 202 with Margie Kay and the Quest Paranormal Team - Sign Up.

Wanting to get even more involved? Background tips for better preparation in her newest book: Gateway to the Dead. Ghost Hunter's field guide.

Among other things, Margie also keeps tabs and oversees the local UFO scene. (The 2011 UFO Flap)

If you have a sighting and prefer not to call MUFON, you can still connect with Margie Kay. Kansas City has been a hot spot or paranormal/UFO activity. Most of that goes under the radar for media coverage and that is where Margie Kay comes in. Explore:

For those who would rather an up-close-and-personal, over-the-top fright fest, Kansas City is home to two of the most thrilling and chilling (heart-stopping) haunted house experiences in the US.

Queen of Haunts/VP of Full Moon Productions, Amber Arnett-Bequeaith talked about preying on fear to intensify the rush at the The Beast and The Edge of Hell attractions. Here's the video for a better perspective.

We also talk about the world's largest snake: Medusa
Listed in the Guinness World Records in 2013, she's on duty now at The Edge of Hell.


Asked about the possibility that the entertainment sites might also have some paranormal activity, Amber admits a higher turnover in the employees stationed at the Edgar Allen Poe exhibit. Margie Kay did a quick remote view and said she could sense a presence. Enough said.

Quoth the Raven ... (N)evermore ... Youtube The Raven/Christopher Lee

Check this vid out for more behind the scenes fun at Kansas City's best Haunted Houses. Zip line show stoppers. Forty-three years of frightfully scary fun. The Beast and Edge of Hell

Happy House Haunting!

Oct 6, 2016

Dining with Weston Ghosts -- a Fall favorite (SOLD OUT)

You may have heard the ads for Weston Missouri Tourism during the commercial breaks for Wendy's Coffeehouse. Quick update on the popular Dining with Ghosts event at Main Street Galleria. (UPDATE) All three nights are now sold out. Apologies if you missed the dates! This is an annual event and 2017 will be fun too!   

I'd like to see a ghost. It would confirm there's an afterlife. - Marlon Wayans

Downtown ambiance - Weston, Missouri

Living in a town full of ghosts may not suit everyone but a quick rundown of the local shops shows there are some who thrive in this atmosphere.

Whether the locals have seen one or not, those who escort the tourists on the ghost tours say they have found it easier to linger in areas that are well lit. Enough said.

Ghosts have been encountered in numerous locations throughout the town and in the surrounding vicinity of Weston, Missouri.

One location (not on the tour) reputed to have an extremely active ghost had been converted from storage (2014/15) to a residence. No other details have been made public. The startled resident shared his experience, investigating unexplained noises with his dog in tow.

The encounter vid is still available: "Weston Swinging Light Ghost - *language*


Main Street Galleria sweet shop is a popular draw with excellent pie and fudge as sample temptations. You can also order on their site.

Dining with Ghosts offers dinner and a walking tour of local haunts dishing up history and background regarding featured residences and sites. (Living and/or deceased.)

One couple got the fright of their life during a stay at a local Bed and Breakfast. As the story goes, they had just settled in for the night with a tray full of snacks when the full blown embodiment of the deceased walked through the room.

They promptly called the host and departed. Vacating haste was evidenced in the up-heaved food trays and the entire room left in disarray. Note: a spirit rarely shows up on demand but that room remains available upon request.

2016 dates are selling out fast. Two shows are now Sold Out and the final night, October 29th, is filling up.

No costume required but a healthy appetite is welcome. Rain or shine. Walking shoes help.

Call for reservations. Tickets are $45 per person. 816-640-2825. 

Details also available at Weston Community Theatre.

During the day I don't believe in ghosts. At night, I'm a little more open minded. - Ghost Quotes - Source for this Ghost Quote -

Oct 1, 2016

10/1/16 Cynthia Sue Larson - RealityShifters

The Ancient One: "You think you know how the world works. What if I told you, the reality you know is one of many."
Dr. Strange: "This doesn't make any sense."
The Ancient One: "Not everything does. Not everything has to."

*Trailer and background for Dr. Strange at Den Of Geek.Com 

Headlines -
  • International Coffee Day! Excuse to plug Gilmore Girls. Eonline
  • NDE via tortilla chip. On the market today: Don't Fear the Reaper  Begging for mercy! Paqui Tortilla chips combined the Carolina Reaper pepper with Ghost peppers and chipotle to murder taste buds all over the world (and beyond). (Do) Fear the Reaper is conveniently packaged as a single/chip-in-a-coffin packet. One is advised to avoid water, as that simply spreads the heat. Doctors are standing by. TheSun
  • The heat is on. Black Hot UFO stumps police in South Wales. Mystery unsolved.  Mirror
  • He rocks! Youtube Entrepreneur known as "John" - holds court from his parents living room and issues a weekly fast food review. Pay: $1800 a month. Bravo! CNN Money
  • Science study in progress: Roller Coasters help people pass kidney stones. We discover the back seat offers prime un-lodging momentum. Before you try this at home, read: The Atlantic
  • And the perfect animal story - the annual reunion of two friends. Dindim the Penguin - since 2011, has been returning each year to reconnect with the man who rescued him. CNN 
It sometimes helps to seek out a boost to engage your imagination muscle prior to attempting a reality shift. Expand your illusion landscape while enjoying the Cast teaser for Dr. Strange -

Fantastic Beasts dropped the final trailer teaser this week. "Time is running out!" ... And we can't wait. Main site: Fantastic Beasts

Podcast -  10/1/16 - Wendy's Coffeehouse with Cynthia Sue Larson - RealityShifters

Welcome to the Quantum Age -- Talking about Reality Shifters with Cynthia Sue Larson - Consciousness shifts Reality: Cynthia/Youtube

If you pay attention and start to notice those tiny instances when things didn't quite follow the linear flow, you might be able to connect more awareness to that moment and begin to initiate or engage more of that same experience. Meditation helps.

Cynthia has solid background in Physics that helps her give better descriptions and applications for the math that makes this all possible. One of the things we didn't have time to fully explore is the Mandela Effect. Knowyourmeme

We talk about the examples of reality shifts and how important it is to detach from negative news. Remain neutral. "Don't Panic."  Listen for the towel and hugs moment. :)

Tips and Hacks on bending creation to upgrade yourself: Quantum Jumps the Book
Connect with Cynthia for her newsletter and social media:

Sep 29, 2016

Celebrating National Coffee Day - Muggles are abuzz

“Don't ever let anyone tell you that fairy tales aren't real. I drink a potion made from magic beans every day, and it brings me back to life.” - Nanea Hoffman

Coffee buzz .... deals ... score your free coffee.
  •  Round One: National Coffee Day. CNN
  •  Round Two: International Coffee Day/October 1. Saturday. Yea! Send your Instagram pics and they'll promote your event. Here.
  • Round 3 for good measure: a midweek perk. Final trailer just dropped, building the anticipation to a fever pitch. Fantastic Beasts!

Not quite your cuppa Joe?

Who's that tall fellow knocking through the wall? Dr. Strange is ready to bust a few links on the multi-dimensional mind chain. See Trailer.

Couple of excellent BIGscreen, Autumn mind-benders. Harry Potter effectively eclipsed. (sniff)