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Nov 24, 2017

SciXFriday - Phoenix, UFOs and New Science

Programming the power to overcome. Start here: “To get up each morning with the resolve to be happy is to set our own conditions to the events of each day. To do this is to condition circumstances instead of being conditioned by them.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson, Transcendentalists, Transcendentalism

OddsnEnds -
  • Outta sight! Fireball capture from Space: Newsweek 
  • AI Drones vs. Human Drones. AI Drone Pilots don't get tired. Racing
  • UFO Sightings Triple? Yahoo 
  • Interview with Cheryl Costa, UFO Sightings Desk Reference, December 10 KCMO Talk Radio 710, 8pm central time.
  • UFO Stalker for the newest sightings.
  • Animal Consciousness, Do Fish Suffer? LATimes Yes. Scientific American
  • Researchers continue to try to debunk ghosts (And ALL UFOs according to this NASA source: Newsweek. Space Dandruff: Atlas Obscura.) and other PSI experiences as delusional: Gizmodo. However, the stats show we are stubborn in our knowing and believing otherwise: According to Pew Research Center, close to one-fifth of Americans believe they’ve seen a ghost. 

Description: “Phoenix” is a no-budget short film production from Germany. It´s an homage to classic science fiction like “Brave New World” and “Fahrenheit 451”.

Filmed in April 2014 in Berlin with mostly family and friends. It was shown at more than 50 film festivals world wide and won 16 awards and prizes so far.

Holiday weekend chill: Laughter Therapy. NPR
  • Laughter Therapy/General Studies 
  • Cancer Studies/Stress Reduction: "As the therapeutic laughter program was effective after only a single session in reducing anxiety, depression, and stress in breast cancer patients, it could be recommended as a first-line complementary/alternative therapy."
  • Help Wanted - transcribing Magical Texts. Aptitude for charms and spells might help.
  • Exploring the ET phenom: Bud Hopkins' note on missing time in his book, triggered release of a memory cache for Steve Boucher. Real and unreal, information we might not initially have the ability to reconcile is stored for later processing. The Question: What determines whether we access it? Steve answers that. Reality to the experiencer can remain out of sight. He shares his memory recovered about a UFO encounter and more.
Influence, Support, Additional Links and Connecting Dots:
Budd Hopkins: PBS NOVA 
Elon Musk: Simulated Reality Motherboard
Dan Brown: The Da Vinci Code
Nag Hammadi Library:

Wendy's Coffeehouse - entertaining the Curious -
12/3 - Jean Walker, Family Secrets, Mike Clelland's post
12/10 - Cheryl Costa, Author, Blogger, UFO Columnist, Syracuse NewTimes
12/17 - Lynn Andrews and Robert Talor, Sacred Vision Oracle Cards - Shamanism
12/22 - James Schwartz, Hypnotherapist Blog: "Transcripts of clients experiencing the phenomena of visiting different planes of existence." One Voice, Sacred Wisdom 
12/31 - Maureen St. Germain - Waking up in 5D

Join me for the live show or catch the podcast download 24/7
Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing!

Nov 22, 2017

Midweek Hi-lites: Spooky, AI, Offbeat, Eclectic and Entertaining, etc...

“In my life I have found two things of priceless worth - learning and loving. Nothing else - not fame, not power, not achievement for its own sake - can possible have the same lasting value. For when your life is over, if you can say 'I have learned' and 'I have loved,' you will also be able to say 'I have been happy.” - Arthur C. Clarke, Rama II

OddsnEnds --
  • Interstellar Tourist- Named Oumuamua. CNN
  • About that youth gene found in members of the Amish community? New Atlas
  • Frightening wake up call. From the Future Of Life Institute. PSA warning against weaponizing AI. From those who can see the writing on the wall while there is still enough time to apply the white-out. CNET
  • Another potential misuse, already a trend, baiting social media users. Gizmodo
  • Designing and creating safer AI. Please. Stuart Russell. TED
  • Thanksgiving twist. A taste of Native American fare. (Sample items prepared at a fundraiser look fantastic.) Lakota Chef Sean Sherman, aka: The Sioux Chef, offers a recipe that includes Juniper Berries. Mother Jones
  • Spies in the foliage. Plants as spies. Really. Gizmodo
  • Dogs learn while they sleep. Reuters  And we do too.
  • Ghost Dog Wedding Planner - the Movie! Slate
  • Overnight at a haunted house. 4 to choose from. Real Simple
  • Busy year for the Loch Ness monsterNessie sighting number 9 logged by an American watching the live web cam. Daily Mail. Try your luck. Here. Says the underwater cam will be online soon. 
Sci-Fi elements. Marching Band steals the show with Guardians of the Galaxy... Thanks Gizmodo!

In regard to the aforementioned quote on loving and learning, a few links to surf:
- Loving = Everybody gets a Kitten. Jeremy Messersmith
- John Dixon's Near Death Experience YouTube

Wendy's Coffeehouse
11/26 - Dr. Scott Kolbaba, Physicians' Untold Stories: Miraculous experiences doctors are hesitant to share with their patients, or ANYONE!
12/3 - Jean Walker, Family Secrets, Mike Clelland's post

Join me for the live show or catch the podcast download 24/7
Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives. Thank you for listening and sharing!

Nov 20, 2017

Nauman Naeem, MD, Healing From the Inside Out, and a few links more

“If everything's the same, then there aren't any choices! I want to wake up in the morning and decide things!” - Lois Lowry, The Giver

OddsnEnds -
  • The newest plan B for Earthling re-homing - Ross 128 b - looks promising. Independent 
  • Trackable med knows when it has been taken and reports to the Doctor. Fortune 
  • New study suggests Dog Owners live longer. Time  And the full report notes the greatest benefit in those who are single or elderly. Nature 
  • Horses read body language even when they don't know the person. Sussex They can also tell if we are happy or angry. Sussex 
  • What's up with the bizarre booms in San Diego and New Jersey? Mysterious Universe 
  • In sync with my previous post (that I refer to in the intro to the interview) about a guy who said he was attacked by a ghost in Weston, this guy says he was punched by a ghost and has a few more stories of paranormal / poltergeist encounters he plans to share. Skegness Standard
Anita Moorjani - Dying to be me! NDE. Healing from Cancer. Awareness and the 5 Lessons she learned.

Radical healing is possible. The common thread through the healing path? There is one. That's what my guest hopes to share with a wider audience.

Wendy's Coffeehouse 11/19/17, Nauman Naeem, Healing from the Inside Out: Overcome Chronic Disease and Radically Change Your Life

Bonus: Second Interview with Nauman on Empower Radio

Endorsements from Dr. Eben Alexander, Michael Beckwith and Bernie Siegal, MD, a longtime advocate of giving more attention to the influence of emotions when it comes to health issues.

I interviewed Bernie for his book, Love Animals and Miracles, That Interview is posted at Conscious Living with Wendy Garrett on Empower Radio.
Order on Amazon

Nauman Naeem, MD, author of Healing from the Inside Out, charts his own observations of healing ability in his patients over nearly two decades of specializing in pulmonary and critical care medicine. He noticed the majority of patients with chronic disease do not recover and wondered why.

Dr. Naeem discovered a pattern that suggests, among other issues,
there are two primary emotional indicators present in those who remain chronically ill: Loneliness and Boredom.

In addition to the influence of negative thoughts, there are also cases in which the patient simply has no desire to become well.

Dr. Naeem believes illness requires more than a superficial approach with medication alone. Emotions and psychological health of a patient also play an important role.

One of the most frustrating cancer statistics at the time of this writing, many cancers recur from five years of the last treatment. ( p. 166) And yet, as is demonstrated in cases like the aforementioned Anita Moorjani, there are other factors that can trigger healing.

Also covered in the book, the energy state of the body as being influential in activating a healing response and how it is important to increase one's vibrational frequency to facilitate healing. 

Nauman Naeem offers counseling and coaching for health and healing. Follow on his Blog.

Related Links -
Dr. Eben Alexander's newest book: Living in a Mindful Universe
Anita Moorjani: Dying to be Me! Books
Bruce Lipton, Biology of Belief

Join me for the live show or catch the podcast download 24/7
Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives
Thank you for listening and sharing!