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Jan 24, 2019

Lazy Boy Time Travel, Insect Consciousness, Ghosts, Sam Elliot ... and Men in Black

"You're a rumor, recognizable only as deja vu and dismissed just as quickly." - Men in Black. IMDB. Fringe benefits.

OddsnEnds -
  • Tiny Home vs. Blizzard. FoxNews.
  • Drama at the Ski slope. AKA Moose. HuffPo.
    Take notes. File in Collective Consciousness. Ant Colonies retain memories individuals don't have. Smithsonian.
  • Insects are Conscious. Independent.
  • Witness The Wave: Honeybees give Wasps the slip. Video Twisted Sifter.
  • Daily Mail. Does this security cam show the ghost of a deceased son? An Atlanta Mom says she believes that image is her son and he's checking in. Yahoo. No doubt Joe McQuillen would agree. We talked about how he now connects with his deceased son. My Search For Christopher on the Other Side. Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview.
  • Sam Elliot and an award worthy title: The Man Who Killed Hitler and then The Bigfoot. Thank you, Paul Seaburn Mysterious Universe. And now you'll want to see the Trailer

Sci-Fi Short Film - Lazy Boy - and that's the way the future bites back.
Hurry Summer! MIB International (June/2019) - counting down.
Not like the Spooky version with Nick Redfern: The Black Diary. Our Interview: Wendy's Coffeehouse soundcloud. Warning on the book cover: Just picking up this book invites them in.

From Nick's blog: "For three years, due to living on a hill with a spectacular view of the open sky, I have witnessed UFO activity coming directly from the nuclear power plant and fly slowly right over my head. With incredible lighting and maneuvers like your Father mentioned to you. Including complete "stand still hoovering". I have also felt that I have been discovered witnessing this and have had some type of acknowledgment from the crafts. It hard to explain. I just know they know that I see them..." Check out the rest of the comment.

Wendy's Coffeehouse -  

1/27/19 - House of Spirits - Invited to check out paranormal activity at a local house, it turned into a bit more. Location is near the Nelson Museum in Kansas City. Unable to make that address public but I can talk about the engagement and the circumstances that brought me to the house. - wendy

2/3/19 - Dowsing can be used for so much more than finding lost things or locating water. (Uri Geller finds oil.) Author of Spirit Rescue, Tick Gaudreau is back to highlight the uses.

Show airs Sunday at 8p CST, KCMO Talk Radio 710
Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.

Jan 21, 2019

Patty Greer, AKA 'Croppie Girl'. Watch her award winning, feature length films: No charge

Science is about exploring the unknown and cannot offer guarantees. - Virginia Postrel

Wendy's Coffeehouse interview with Patty Greer: Crop Circle Diaries

OddsnEnds - 
  • Pole Drift - and that means? Live Science.
  • Bot Patrol. Open letter to Twitter Medium. This tool is designed to Identify Propaganda bots on Twitter. Link. From RoBhat Labs
  • The perks of Coffee - study on cognition in older adults. Research says it helps. "It appears that caffeine is able to reverse the effects of cognitive aging by stimulating the energy resources of elderly subjects."
  • And the unfortunate kicker: Coffee threatened by climate change. Extinction? CNN.
  • Afterlife surprise in an image on Kitchen CCTV. Mom sees the ghost of her son. The Sun.
  • A view for the Xtraordinary. Combining Security, Law Enforcement and Spirituality. The unifying link? A NDE. Wrangler News
  • Alaskan Malamute Serenade. Animals being Cute.

Patty Greer had a life changing out-of-body-experience in the center of a UK Crop Circle in 2007. Within two years of that day, Greer produced four full feature documentary films with no training, experience or previous interest in film making whatsoever. Now totaling 8 films, they focus on UFOs, Crop Circles, Light Beings and Consciousness, she is offering free viewing at Crop Circle Films.

Description of Patty's 8th film, 'Crop Circle Diaries' and the one we focus on for the interview:

Greer’s 8th film, “Crop Circle Diaries” presents footage where “balls of light” create a Crop Circle in seconds in both England and France. Greer’s movies were filmed in the epicenter of the Crop Circle phenomenon in Wiltshire England, UK and feature ONLY the real Croppies who frequent these stunning formations year after year. Greer is intuitive and telepathic which is how she co-produced the films with ‘Other-Dimensional-Beings’ without training or research or a team.

'Crop Circle Diaries' received 2 new EBE Awards at the 2017 International UFO Congress Convention Film Festival for: Best UFO Feature Film 2017 and The People's Choice Award.

What makes this film stand out is Patty's effort to incorporate the science of Dr. William Levengood. Her corroborating source for that is Penny Kelly, who piqued his interest due to her extraordinary Kundalini experience and then worked behind the scenes and alongside 'Lefty' for more than a decade as he compiled his research.

[Edd Edwards was also one of  Levengood's energy research subjects.]

Kelly addresses those who tried to discredit his work. In this film, Patty summarizes the  work of her previous films and offers her view of what the circle-makers are trying to accomplish. Go to YouTube to watch the film. Here's the trailer:

Another player in the work with Dr. Levengood is researcher Nancy Talbott, whom I have previously interviewed: Wendy's Coffeehouse Archives: Nancy Talbott.

On the BLT site, an article by reporter Leslie Kean, published when the movie 'Signs' came out:

Meteorologist James W. Deardorff, professor emeritus at the College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University, and previously a senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, states in a 2001 Physiologia Plantarum commentary that the variety, complexity and artistry of crop circles "represent the work of intelligence," and not a plasma vortex. 

"That is why the hoax hypothesis has been popularly advocated," he says. However, he points out, the anomalous properties in plant stems thoroughly documented by Levengood and Talbott could not possibly have been implemented by hoaxers. 

Deardorff describes one 1986 British formation in which upper and lower layers of crop were intricately swirled and bent perpendicular to each other, in a fashion that "defies any explanation." "People don't want to face up to this, and scientists have to deal with the ridicule factor," he said in a recent interview.

Continued at BLT Link.

Related links:
Crop Circle Connector.
Colin Andrews.
Pat Delgado. Crop Circles: Conclusive Evidence?
Further consideration: The UFO Trail: Crop Circles
Previous Interview with Patty Greer. Conscious Living/Empower Radio.

Show airs Sunday at 8p CST, KCMO Talk Radio 710
Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.