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Sep 26, 2018

Board Camp Crystal Mine - Paranormal, PSI, UFO? Enigma unexplained and open to the public. [repost]

“Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.” - Max Planck, Where is Science Going?

Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview - Board Camp Crystal Mine 3/18)

OBE, NDE, UFO, ET, Sasquatch, Ghosts, unexplained and unknown.

In a recent Conscious Living Podcast - synchronicity - several people told me of ongoing experiences (none having any idea about the others) with missing items. Things that had vanished for no apparent reason. One friend said she simply had a chat with the entities and the items reappeared in odd but visibly obvious locations.

Cynthia Sue Larson covers missing and reappearing items with Reality Shifters. Various Mediums call such events apports. It might be that we are ready to expand our vocabulary with this issue as it seems there is more going on than what has been most often attributed to or categorized as a séance demonstration. Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview/Quantum Jumps.

I once helped a client with a ghost who kept gifting her with bits of tiny dried flowers. That fits into the apport category. Items appeared at different times of the day when she was alone. The purpose? Seriously depressed, she needed help. The ghosts and her guardians were the divine intervention.

*{The ghosts in that house told me to ask her what had happened in the garage because it was important. I asked. The reply - she had almost committed suicide.}

Related sites with information on apports -
Psychic Lorrie Kazan details her odd encounter while traveling: blog.
John Kettler provides details (long read), background and the intended message implied by the item targeted for the apport.

Another recent experience with my earrings being undone while I slept, a reminder our reality is not what it seems. Some things are intentionally beyond knowing or controlling. Unseen others step in to engage, encourage and challenge us to expand our PSI awareness. My nightlight is hyper active again.

I am noticing an apparent uptick in reports of paranormal phenomena. Rather than secreting and/or denying, more conversations about encounters and reports of unique events are surfacing. One can dismiss the validity of experiencers and extraordinary accounts or suspend disbelief, withhold judgment and allow something magical is trying to become known.

This qualifies as Magical: Levitating rocks at the Board Camp Crystal Mine. MUFON investigated. That show, with Chase Kloetzke, aired on The Travel Channel - Expedition Unknown. Discovered in 2008, certified by the federal and state governments and opened to the public in 2012. What changed in February of 2017? Mystery ongoing.

Interviewing Orville Murphy, he describes a complete about face regarding his beliefs in the paranormal and unexplained. He counted himself as a skeptic in January 2017 but the extraordinary events he witnessed alongside his wife Cheryl and their son in February made him a believer.

The activity has been investigated and verified by MUFON. Visitors now have the opportunity to witness the unusual phenomena on site. Article with more background on the story: Mena Star

No guarantees but the potential for experiencing something out of the ordinary is there. Watch the show Expedition Unknown on Daily Motion for the details.  Available for daytime or nighttime visit: UnXplained Tours. Preview some of the unusual activities on their YouTube videos.

UPDATE: Cheryl gave me permission to add this footnote. You'll hear us talking during the interview about electrical anomalies with events like this. When we hung up from the interview, the Board Camp Crystal Mine office phone went offline/out-of-order. She said that was a first.

Exciting and unexplained. Perfect adventure for the curious with a chance to bag a souvenir crystal or two. The energy of those crystals is - no doubt - very interesting. I plan a follow up report.

*I did visit in April of 2018 and that interview is now in the archives. The unexpected addition? The area is also known for Sasquatch presence. I got to see that evidence up close and personal. Truly amazing. And the crystals are fantastic.

Board Camp Crystal Mine is on Facebook. Check out their upcoming "The Understanding Series" on Fringe FM.

Links for guests are on the Wendy's Coffeehouse 2018 Schedule page

3/18 - Robert Kopecky - How to get to Heaven without Really Dying. Good at practicing for the big event. Robert has had 3 NDEs.
3/25 - Shirl Knobloch - Intuitive Medium, Reiki Master and Animal Communicator - blog. Author of several books, the one I flagged: Yes, I Knit Blankets for Squirrels.
4/1 - Terry Albright - Lots to talk about with Terry. 1/On his search for Bigfoot, 2/Dorothy Izatt, Contact With Beings of Light. Using an ordinary 8 mm movie camera, she has filmed hundreds of sequences of unexplained, yet authenticated, pictures of UFO's, ETs, and anomalies. 3/Terry is currently working with producer of “Aliens on the Moon” on a new and as yet untitled UFO documentary.

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.

Sep 21, 2018

SciXFriday - "CXL" ... Longevity limitations unforeseen. Burnt ends.

“But believe me, just because the human mind can't imagine something happening...doesn't mean it won't.” - Dan Brown, Inferno

OddsnEnds -
  • Spock's planet: Found. NBC News. 16 light years away ... and visible in the night sky.
  • Winter is coming - a sneak peak of Project Blue Book. Looking better with every preview.
  • Paranormal phenomena exists in another dimension according to Bernard Carr, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy at Queen Mary University of London:  Express. More details on that: Outer Places. Bernard Carr - on Consciousness/YouTube. [Rather than dismiss Paranormal activity due to lack of corroborating science, Carr recommends we consider the possibility the events might be part of something we don't yet understand.
  • Included in the current inability to understand department: The Yowi at Bunyip. The Fortean
  • UFO - Canada's former Minister of Defense, Paul Hellyer is the first and only cabinet-ranking official from a G8 nation to publicly state a belief in extraterrestrials. Motherboard
  • Unsung Heroes. Check out the Goldfish 'backpack hack'. The Dodo
"CXL". Live long and … ? A candle for your thoughts...

Still interested in Life Extension?
- Cryonics: Alcor
- Palo Alto Longevity Prize. Life beyond 120 years of age. [Longevity Demonstration Prize ends September 9, 2018 * Timeline to be finalized by November 15th after public commenting period ends.]

Related links:

Wendy's Coffeehouse - 
9/23 - Edd Edwards - Energy Healer demonstration and update on the new research in progress on Edd's extraordinary PK abilities - Documentary 2019/Sundance Deadline
9/30 - Healing with Crystals - Kac Young
10/7 - Ghost tales of Weston, Mo. Verna Kowertz - Owner of Main Street Galleria, is again hosting Dining with Ghosts in Weston. Highlights of some of the haunted locations on the tour and other properties with known activity past and present.

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious. 

Sep 18, 2018

Jocelyn Buckner, The Bradshaw Ranch. When absence is evidence...

In league with the Black Swan - the Que Sera approach to Uncertainty: Influence of the unfathomable exists to upend whatever all-knowing account 'prediction' supposes. Endless possibilities arise when one practices creative projectivity.

Wendy's Coffeehouse 9/16 - Jocelyn Buckner - The Bradshaw Ranch

Now retired, Intuitive Jocelyn Buckner was a vortex tour guide. She plans to release a couple of e-books on Sedona. One is a general tour guide and the other focuses on a paranormal hot spot: the Bradshaw Ranch.

Fascinated by the stories comparing Bradshaw Ranch to the Skinwalker Ranch, I wanted to talk with someone who had actually been on site. Jocelyn is very familiar with the ranch and shares what she knows, including her own experiences regarding paranormal, ET, Bigfoot, and UFO stories surrounding the Bradshaw Ranch.

We were limited on time at KCMO. I also talked about what drew her to Sedona in the first place. Great story involving a ceremony at Giant Rock and a psychic who told her she would relocate to Sedona for a specific purpose.

For the rest of the story - check out my other weekly podcast. Conscious Living on Empower Radio.

I've included the picture I took at Sedona in June of 2018. I found this video after our trip. The cool part is the orb activity matches orbs I caught in my digital images that I didn't see at the time.

“I believe these openings have always been on our plane and they’ve perhaps been the portals to allow others in, but if one were to ask my opinion of my experiences regarding this magical place, I would say that not only are they being allowed in, but they are coming in in great numbers. - Linda Bradshaw, Co-Author with Tom Dongo, Merging Dimensions - Source

One of the reviews of that book offers a perspective on the validity of the contents and gives me a chance to offer one of my own accounts relating to fear: 2010 or 2011, I journaled an encounter.

--- My guides had given me a heads up warning that alien (ET, Extradimensional) encounters will challenge and elude us until we are able to control our fear. They said in no uncertain terms: "You need to work on your fear."

Failing to understand the point, I responded that I had endured some frightening situations unscathed - including paranormal/unexplained and physically life-threatening encounters of the Human kind. I assured the guides fear was not an issue for me. Then came the test.

Orbs near Sedona, June -2018
Around 3 am one morning, I felt a presence in the corner of the bedroom. In that half-waking state, I sensed something but saw nothing.

Then I heard it. A mechanical voice spoke my name. Reaction was immediate and completely involuntary. I froze. Five star alarm!

Audible to me, the 'voice' didn't wake my husband nor did the pets (1 dog, 2 cats) react. Electronic.  Something about the frequency of that sound (the fracturing of my name made it "Wenny" instead of Wendy) was so completely unnatural and unnerving to me, so foreign that I could not fathom a source.

As that sound resonated, it triggered a fight-or-flight reflex that included a sharp burst of energy from my toes to my head. Momentarily frozen, while immediately trying to pull back my alarm - I was so frustrated because I KNEW that reflex response had shut down the flow. My insight was essentially blown offline. I then understood what the guides had inferred regarding fear as a stumbling block.

When the innate, survival response kicked in, I lost the ability to engage with the 'other' who was trying to connect with me. I activated a self-protection, lock down mode.

For my benefit, that demonstration was intended to highlight the chasm between our species and elements so foreign to our core code that the survival instinct is triggered and we are blocked from the encounter. Hearing the guides chuckling afterward, I asked what was so funny.

Their matter-of-fact response: "We told you, you need to work on your fear." ---

Similar to an OBE, one of the experiences Jocelyn shares involves walking into a parallel dimension (my description) where she is able to see others and even 'touch' someone in her group but they cannot see or sense her presence. Only when she retraces her steps does she then become 'visible' again. Among the paranormal anomalies Linda Bradshaw experienced was a sense of being touched by unseen others. A connection?

2 Synchronicities -
  • 1/On the morning of the interview with Jocelyn, prior to getting out of bed, I felt something push against my head, deliberate touch without form. Wondering at the significance while shifting position to push my head deeper into the pillow (By now, I have had multiple encounters with unseen entities of all sorts.) it wasn't fear that surfaced. It was irritation in thinking I had to get up soon enough. I didn't have time for hide and seek puzzles.
  • 2/Gazing up at the sky overnight, I saw multiple streaks, like meteors. I shifted my point of view and noticed a bright white star. It flashed at me.
In the conversation with Jocelyn later that following day, I made the connection: Presence. How well I know others among us can be hidden in plain view and seen only by some. (Talking to Nightlights)

At least, in my case, the close encounters seem to be pre-planned, coordinated with spirit guides and beneficent others. Activities, exercises and encounters are geared toward evolving the collective consciousness, whether we know it or not.

Each goes at his own pace.

Related links -
Absence of Evidence. Editor's Desk, JLGH - Minor Oversight - a lack of (scientific) evidence to demonstrate the benefit of - Flossing.
Evidence of absence can be important.
The Black Swan, NYTimes
Giant Rock integration
Beyond My Wildest Dreams, Kim Carlsberg
Tom Dongo's blog

Thank you for listening!
Stay Curious.