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Aug 28, 2020

Astrologer, Linda 'Moonrabbit' Zlotnick, Sci-Fi Short Film: CTRL Z, plus a nod to all excellent Time Travelers

The only way we can fix and solve the problems of the world is by changing consciousness. You can’t do it by laws or infrastructure of the past. But if you raise somebody’s consciousness, then the laws change accordingly — the way we do business changes, and the way we treat each other as humans changes. - The Edge Magazine, A Frequency Catalyst: An Interview with *Mas Sajady

An Election Forecast with Moonrabbit. Expect the unexpected. Wendy's Coffeehouse Interview.  

Linda Zlotnik's personal story offers concrete evidence of Astrology at work in the everyday life. Moonrabbit/Linda's chart readings of her relationship with her deceased twin Lou Ann offer corroborative information validating the ability of an Astrologer to highlight assets, faults, talents and limitations and identify potential hardships, challenges, life-lessons and successes by "reading the stars". 

Our previous conversation about her book, Star Sisters is in the podcast archives

She writes about her recovery from grief. The takeaway for me is Linda's re-birth and healing. That interview begins with an LSD trip epiphany. Linda is liberated from a self-limiting box. Reality is an illusion.

In reconciling the soul-shattering, mid-life death of her twin, a discovery is made. Linda learns to do Death Charts and realizes her atypical chart reading can also benefit others. Related information in a previous post

The focus of our conversation this time [with a definite nod of approval from the twin on the other side] is on the political arena and the indication of continued chaos for the remainder of 2020.

What are the contributing planetary influences? Moonrabbit identifies several sources. Two major players in the election are affected by a solar eclipse in December. For President Trump, Moonrabbit says the chart suggests hidden revelations and out-of-the-blue surprises between now and the end of January 2021. 

The influence for Kamala Harris appears more overt and positive. Whatever the outcome, results will soon be visible for both in the headlines.

Now for a bit of time travel of sorts. Sci-Fi short film: CTRL Z.

Director: James Kennedy: Site. Subscribe to DUST on YouTube.

  • More time tripping in this short story. Sign in required. And if you like it, vote. Inspired by the prompt: "Time stood still when the lights went out." Follow the writer on his blog.
  • Beyond time: Mas Sajady's NDE. "On my second near death; I went backstage and go, “Whoa, this is so cool. At that level, again I experienced that grandness, but this time since I was more aware of what is going on with me, I started to notice that time and space was very different. It seemed endless. You weren’t really in time and space. It was just this vast abundance and greatness." - A Frequency Catalyst: An Interview with Mas Sajady, The Edge.

  • Also in the 2020 September issue of The Edge: We All are Channels: An Exploration of Channeling. Link"Channeling is not for entertainment or to boost the ego. When that happens, we attract beings of a lower vibration. Channeling helps us to understand ourselves and stimulates us to connect with our highest vibration. It supports us on our spiritual path." - Jaap van Etten, Ph.D.

  • The Edge Magazine is advertising for a new owner. If interested, contact information is listed on page 4. Link.
  • Time stands still for Divine Intervention. In this 2008 Dan Schneider interview, Author Brad Steiger talks about how he connected with his wife Sherry through a woman who later told him she had no memory of knowing Sherry. The woman had greeted him, saying she had a message from Sherry. The bigger surprised was learning Sherry didn't know the woman either and hadn't given her a message to deliver to Brad. Source
  • Wrapping with the perfectly timed return of Bill and Ted. Offering a refresh on how to uplift humanity, it really is that simple: "Be excellent to each other." Bill & Ted Face the Music Review: Brian Truitt for USA Today

    Available now in select theaters and on demand. Watch link.
  • Brief sum up. Music is the key to redemption. Charged with a herculean task of saving the world with a song, our two heroes are middle aged, idolized by their daughters - "...But their marriages with “the princesses” (Jayma Mays and Erinn Hayes) are in trouble, and their failed band is teetered precariously on the verge of a break-up (“We have to think about our fans, dude!” “Bob and Wendy will totally understand, Eileen we haven’t heard from in several years”)." - Bill & Ted Face the Music Review: Jason Bailey on 

  • Confession: All time favorite film: Galaxy Quest. IMDB. Same director for Bill & Ted Face the Music, Dean Parisot, who says the pandemic helped them to create a better ending. Collider.

Thanks for listening.
Stay curious.
Be well.

*My interview with Mas Sajady is posted on Empower Radio. Conscious Living.