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Mar 2, 2020

Cracking the Reality Code; Paranormal, PSI, Alien, Unexplained as Symptoms of Consciousness Evolving

"Science is my territory, but science fiction is the landscape of my dreams.” - Goodreads Quotes: Freeman John Dyson, Imagined Worlds, Disturbing the Universe

  • Illumination -- Freeman Dyson in his own words. MIT Review
  • Freeman Dyson TED Talk - Let's look for life in the outer solar system. Link.

Related OddnEnds -
  • More water on Jupiter than previously believed. Space.
  • First Known Extraterrestrial Protein found in a Meteorite. Science Alert.
  • NASA captures UFO on live feed. KFI Twitter.
    Enhanced photo of object in NASA feed. Thanks to Terry Albright/twitter for the image.
    Similar image in George Knapp interview re military and hypersonic objects? Mystery Wire.
  • The Objectivity Myth: What we call “Objective Reality” is just a colorful misnomer.
    "We conclude that time (or more specifically, the flow of time) is not fundamental, neither is space, nor is mass-energy. Reality is not what it seems, after all. Deep down it’s pure information — waves of potentiality — and consciousness creating it all." - Medium

"The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind's Evolution" by Alex M. Vikoulov


From the Indiegogo Campaign (closed) for "The Syntellect Hypothesis"

"To understand is to perceive patterns" - Isaiah Berlin

All organisms, from one-celled bacteria to humans, live in different perceptual realities, in their own "virtual worlds". Your body is a collection of trillions of cells and microorganisms. While a certain process in your body is "unconscious" to you, it is an interaction within the network of entangled conscious entities in your body, having their own conscious experience, at their own layer of existence. 

The whole symphony of existence arises from a set of rules, and we start to uncover one of its deepest secrets - the multiversal fractality of networks of networks of networks of conscious entities in both directions, up and down, seemingly ad infinitum. The ability of future "self-aware" superintelligent machines and enhanced humans alike to instantly transfer knowledge and directly share experiences with each other in digital format will lead to evolution of intelligence from relatively isolated individual minds to the global community of hyperconnected digital minds, the Syntellect. 


Symptoms of Evolving Minds - Experiencers/Contactees have noted the presence of Alien/ETs includes telepathic interaction that can't be blocked. Physicist Deep Prasad is a recent example: Unexplained Mysteries

Gary Wimmer says his experience of personal telepathy overwhelm was so debilitating he begged his spirit guides to make it to stop. The subsequent close encounter with a car (hit him broadside) cleared his intense telepathic interface with a bonus. No accompanying physical trauma. Unexplained, but maybe quite ordinary for those who have reported transcendent PSI, Mind Enhancing, Cosmic Consciousness, Kundalini awakening experiences termed Spiritually Transformative Events. [Common challenges. ACISTE.]

Two telepathy-plus instances I can describe - one just this past weekend - suggest we have tremendous latent PSI abilities that may or may not fully manifest without additional instruction or stimulating catalyst.

1. My husband and I were on our way to an event and as I approached him I thought I only caught part of what he was saying. I heard something unintelligible followed by " the wallet" and I asked him to repeat what he said.

He responded that he had not said anything. I said I heard something about a wallet but didn't catch the whole thing. Then he told me nothing was said out loud but he was thinking about something he needed and it was in his wallet.

I heard a portion of a sentence that was fully audible as if he was speaking directly to me.

2. Another occasion involved a podcast. The producer on the other end of the line was recording the show. I heard him swear. After the show, I reminded him he needed to edit that part out. He asked me what part I was referring to. I repeated the phrase. He took a moment and said it was a thought but he never said it out loud. And the kicker, even if he had, his mic is not on during recording.

He was a bit concerned about that - like what else I might be picking up on and I reassured him it wasn't something I focused on. However, it happens and it is uncomfortable. I have inadvertently said things a person next to me was thinking without realizing and then felt quite embarrassed because it clearly wasn't my 'normal' dialogue. I quickly departed to distance myself from the event.

3. I've also experienced telepathic connections with animals.

I am not the only one noticing these anomalies. Others have confided to me about certain PSI abilities they would like to have better control over. I do believe this is evidence of the evolution of consciousness. We are a collective representation of a higher mind. Whether we know it or not.


Just arrived - Preserving the Psychic Child, the unpublished manuscript written by Ingo Swann. That interview will air on KCMO Talk Radio 710 AM on March 22, and upload to the archives after the show. Wonderful instruction. Helpful for all ages.
Preview on Amazon
 - don't panic - the price will change.

Part Eight, The Psychic Child's Sense of the Infinite:
"Super-gifted psychic children show an interest in deep philosophical and spiritual subjects at a very early age."

"If we accept the idea that a particular psychic child's telepathic bonding is not submerging, but in fact is enlarging to include other psychic awarenesses
outside the relationship between the child and the parents,
then we must also assume that the child is trying to establish logical meanings for the universals with which the child is in increasing contact."

I am looking forward to the interview (with Ingo's niece/The Estate of Ingo Swann) and finding out
if there might be other gems stashed away in the archives,
waiting to be released.

We are - as is all that we connect to - more than what is witnessed on the physical/manifest plane - evolving/growing into expanded awareness.

“It is our task, both in science and in society at large, to prove the conventional wisdom wrong and to make our unpredictable dreams come true”
- Freeman Dyson, Dec 15, 1923 - Feb 28, 2020. Obit: The Guardian